Yeah and I know your species well too. Primary care hack who knows not of what they speak. No Avastin was not DNA’s first drug, but it was not until the Avastin launch that DNA had a major expansion. So back in 1999, when there were probably half the oncology jobs there are today, Ontak was a very innovative drug that had a lot of promise, not to mention Targretin who most researchers thought would be a lung cancer drug. I had one of the leading sites in the country with the Targretin lung trial and they all thought it would get an approval. Not to mention that Ligand was a great, laidback company to work for and paid right in line with the DNA’s of the world at that time. Not sure why you are trying to make this a fight. All I said was that Ontak and Ligand back in 1999 were very hot products and a hot company. My guess is that in 1999 you were sampling birth control pills or antibiotics or in college/HS, and you have no idea of the history.
Seriously how insecure are you that when anyone who as any level of experience or insight threatens you so you lash out…what a loser you are…