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Eisai selling off Oncology products

Stop the presses. Eisai is considering selling products that have exceeded their shelf life??? Smart decision. Now we can focus on our core products and use the cash to make up for the lackluster 23 results.

Folks, Eisai is making money. If u want to go elsewhere, that's your prerogative. I'm going to stick around and see what happens.

Remember, six of our seven biggest products exceeded their target last year. we need people that are committed so if you're not, leave. If you are, stay focused on driving results and I think u will be pleased with the results.

LOL. You wrote, "I'm going to stick around and see what happens."

That's code for I can't get another job so I have no choice but to stay in this crap hole.

You my friend are GREATLY mistaken. Targretin is Eisai's biggest profit margin by any drug. Ontak and Targretin are still very very viable. Eisai just does not want to participate in the arena that it takes to sell these drugs. ie, selling off of a compendium listing, not indications. These two drugs alone if properly marketed, are enough to sustain any small start-up. Gliadel still profits over $40m and has many pockets of business. The fact is Eisai does not nor wants to learn how to be an effective oncology company. They are selling these off to obtain cash, they need cash flow. So please don't lecture me on your kool-aid.

Gliadel profits over $40M? Not really. Do you know the difference between gross sales and operating profits? Gliadel is not profitable for many reasons. You must be a slaes rep.

Stop the presses. Eisai is considering selling products that have exceeded their shelf life??? Smart decision. Now we can focus on our core products and use the cash to make up for the lackluster 23 results.

Folks, Eisai is making money. If u want to go elsewhere, that's your prerogative. I'm going to stick around and see what happens.

Remember, six of our seven biggest products exceeded their target last year. we need people that are committed so if you're not, leave. If you are, stay focused on driving results and I think u will be pleased with the results.

This has to be Q, MC, or TB. Only those 3 would be dumb enough to still drink the EEEEZAAAI Kool-Aid.

Reading helps. The OP spelled them gleadel and lucedra incorrectly.

Doesn't matter. Eisai has been wanting to sell them since they were acquired. Lucedra was sold to Eisai by MGI as the mega-million product and the best thing in its class. Guess what, Eisai was doomed.

I wonder who is dumber than Eisai to purchase these two products?

Doesn't matter. Eisai has been wanting to sell them since they were acquired. Lucedra was sold to Eisai by MGI as the mega-million product and the best thing in its class. Guess what, Eisai was doomed.

I wonder who is dumber than Eisai to purchase these two products?

Never forget this is the company that purchased Colazol. Had a big expensive POA in its honor, then it went gerneric or something a month later.

This company can't do anything right.

Stop the presses. Eisai is considering selling products that have exceeded their shelf life??? Smart decision. Now we can focus on our core products and use the cash to make up for the lackluster 23 results.

Folks, Eisai is making money. If u want to go elsewhere, that's your prerogative. I'm going to stick around and see what happens.

Remember, six of our seven biggest products exceeded their target last year. we need people that are committed so if you're not, leave. If you are, stay focused on driving results and I think u will be pleased with the results.

Drink more koolaid - its showing how smart you are

Doesn't matter. Eisai has been wanting to sell them since they were acquired. Lucedra was sold to Eisai by MGI as the mega-million product and the best thing in its class. Guess what, Eisai was doomed.

I wonder who is dumber than Eisai to purchase these two products?

Eisai also bought lorcaserin after every other company on the planet passed on it.

Eisai, at the very least, is looking to sell off Ontak(and probably Targretin). I’m no longer at the company but the BD guys at my current company have asked me on several occasions over the last few months about Ontak and flat out told me Eisai is shopping it around.

Eisai, at the very least, is looking to sell off Ontak(and probably Targretin). I’m no longer at the company but the BD guys at my current company have asked me on several occasions over the last few months about Ontak and flat out told me Eisai is shopping it around.

Were your guys interested or did they assume it was just another piece of garbage like the rest of the Ayzi portfolio?