Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
- Drug Dumper   Mar 24, 2015 at 07:26: PM
Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
I saw the crack in the egg yesterday and wondered if it was doing that pipping thing.
I have had both cams on all day at work....split screens. The Hanover, PA cam has been screwed up because of so many hits.
I hope they both make it....
Here's a link that has all of the cams around the country...not just eagles....
the second one in Hanover is being pecked by the first one. It looked pretty pitiful this afternoon.
I had to stop watching -- couldn't take it any longer.
I noticed that also - very sad, but a part of nature, albeit a cruel part.
While we can't understand why something like this would happen, it is part of the bigger picture that has helped these birds survive. If the second eaglet isn't going to make it, I hope it is over quick.
Still waiting on Pittsburgh nest . . . .
I am FLOORED at how some of the watchers have reacted to the loss of the egg at Pittsburgh. OMG, you'd think one of their own kids had been killed in a horrible accident. on and on and on....one woman likened it to losing her mother.
At 11:00am one eagle brough some type of food to the nest. The one eaglet is still pecking away at the other. Again, thanks B/N for this look into nature.