DynaSplint Systems

are these posts all valid??? i mean does dynasplint competitors post them or do former employees>>> i really want to know...have a interview with them and trying to figure out what gives.

I will say this. Lousy training. I drove 3000 miles a month. Does $450/mo car allowance make any sense? It was costing me.
Manager really observed and trained little on what I requested, Product knowledge. The product does not work with everyone. And patient compliance is essential or they return it. NO WAY can you support what you sell. You have to sell sell sell and not support the way it should be.
The bonus is designed to be taken back if you don't hit your numbers again. I really did not enjoy this company at all. If you look at the turnover at 70% or so, that should be the writing on the wall. If I stayed, I feel it would have been futile getting to management and deal with that 70%. They need to pay more and keep it realistic in this economy.

If you want to suffer from anxiety, depression, and in general, lose the will to live, go work for Dynasplint. This is a call to all current and former sales reps to post your feelings about this pathetic company. You are not alone and we are more powerful than the inept, out-of-touch managers who have you under their thumb! I will post daily and I encourage you to do the same. My goal is to have this website blow-up! I am fed up and if Dynasplint insists on treating the people whose blood, sweat and tears have built their company, like imbeciles, I intend to fight back!

Anyone know anything about Dynasplint Systems? I know it is not a "pharma" company, but I have a f2f scheduled and am trying to find out more about the company. It would be selling mechanical splints to orthopedic surgeons and PT's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dynasplint is a "get your foot in the medical sales door" company. Recent graduates, etc... Pays about 40-45k if you perform admireably. Reimbursement sucks and commissions are terrible. A Dynasplint position is a starter position only.

OK guys, I understand that Dyna Splint is a bad company to work for, but how are the products they sell? I heard they shouldn't do any Dyna Splints in nursing homes because they are rentals. How are they reimbursed? Someone said they do "shady" things. They bill patients to their previous address instead of the nursing home address in order to get paid. Is it true? Bottom line is , are they legit to promote their splints in a SNF facility? I thought they should only go after home health , assisted living and private patients ,but not SNF facilities, cause they bill under an E code which is a rental. Thank you in advance.

The product is okay if you can get people who let themselves weigh 300 pounds somehow give a crap about their range of motion. Compliance is key. Patient's generally aren't compliant because Dynasplint hires former copier salesman who have no patient-care abilities or knowledge of anatomy/diagnoses. Hopefully your inventory doesn't include the "first-generation" ghetto version of the splints that I would be embarassed to fit on an actual human being. SNF's are a waste of time. If the patient is in the midst of a Medicare A stay (the first 100 days), you have to get the facility to pay for the splint (as a rental), which most of them won't, and even if they do, Medicare rates suck. Not only that, most SNF's literally smell like death. Most patient's in a SNF can't put the splint on themselves and the worthless staff at the SNF sure as hell won't help them in between smoke breaks.

The product is okay if you can get people who let themselves weigh 300 pounds somehow give a crap about their range of motion. Compliance is key. Patient's generally aren't compliant because Dynasplint hires former copier salesman who have no patient-care abilities or knowledge of anatomy/diagnoses. Hopefully your inventory doesn't include the "first-generation" ghetto version of the splints that I would be embarassed to fit on an actual human being. SNF's are a waste of time. If the patient is in the midst of a Medicare A stay (the first 100 days), you have to get the facility to pay for the splint (as a rental), which most of them won't, and even if they do, Medicare rates suck. Not only that, most SNF's literally smell like death. Most patient's in a SNF can't put the splint on themselves and the worthless staff at the SNF sure as hell won't help them in between smoke breaks.

How do you get paid at a SNF facility? Is it legal to do it in a SNF , I thought Dyna Splints are E CODES not L codes. I would like to try , just don't know if I will get in trouble for doing rental at SNF facility. Somebody told that if I do it, is not legal, is it true? Thanks

How do you get paid at a SNF facility? Is it legal to do it in a SNF , I thought Dyna Splints are E CODES not L codes. I would like to try , just don't know if I will get in trouble for doing rental at SNF facility. Somebody told that if I do it, is not legal, is it true? Thanks

Honestly, you sound like some lame-o from Dynasplints corporate office trying to deflect attention from the posts about what an awful company Dynasplint is. Your original question makes it sound like you don't work for Dynasplint and your current question makes it sound like you do. You can do a rental at a SNF, but if the patient is in during a Medicare A stay, you have to get the facility to pay for it with a purchase order(and a lot of them don't want to because it takes money out of their pocket). This doesn't change the fact that Dynasplint is a horrible company to work for!


Try unemployment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All companies suck balls!!!!!!!!!!!

The trick is to screw them while they are screwing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a current corporate employee, RUN from this company. You don't want to work here in any position. The unrealistic expectations are across the board, the turnover is HUGE and there is no leadership whatsoever. Lots of management drones, but no leadership, not even from the owner. This company is a mess, from corporate credit cards declined as the bill isn't paid, to the HR director who is clueless on employee relations, to the Operations Director who would rather hire new employees than keep the ones he has. You are never a valued team member, as they have no idea how to build teams.

As a current corporate employee, RUN from this company. You don't want to work here in any position. The unrealistic expectations are across the board, the turnover is HUGE and there is no leadership whatsoever. Lots of management drones, but no leadership, not even from the owner. This company is a mess, from corporate credit cards declined as the bill isn't paid, to the HR director who is clueless on employee relations, to the Operations Director who would rather hire new employees than keep the ones he has. You are never a valued team member, as they have no idea how to build teams.

Amen. The above is well said and couldn't be more true. I'm honestly aghast that this company has remained afloat for so long. It's a nightmare to work for and I feel for all the patients who have been taken advantage of.

Do not work for this company. Seems like a good company when you visit the website, go through the interview process, and even go to training. The truth is that Dynasplint is a good product to sell. You probably won't complain about the decent salary and car allowance either. But the reality is the company doesn't know how to train sales people and you won't be around for long. If you don't hit your numbers no matter how unrealistic they are you will be gone. There is no sales training if you're not hitting your numbers. If you don't hit they fire you and hire someone else. Put it this way...I went to my first quarterly district/team meeting recently and I realized something when we all went around the table and did introductions. We said our name and how long we had been with the company. Listen to these results. Eleven reps total. 1 rep with the company 7 years, 1 rep for 5 Years, 1 rep for 2 years, 1 rep for 9 months, 4 reps for 6 months, 3 reps for less than 3 months. Eight out of eleven reps have been with the company for less than 9 months. What does that tell you about turnover??? Since that meeting I was let go along with two other reps who weren't hitting their numbers. In the past I have worked in sales and never had a problem hitting numbers, but the numbers Dynasplint expects are unrealistic because they do not properly analyze territory potential (all you current employees know what I am talking about). If you get a high producing territory you may make it as long as the reps at the meeting I went to (anywhere from 2-7 years). I would look for other jobs where you can grow as a professional and/or salesperson. Check Medzilla.com for real jobs. Just trying to help out...


I have seen both sides to this company.The products work and i have seen some pretty amazing things wth the use of the product but I will also say the company is not strutured to support the product. Dynaspint has lost sight of what is important. Use it for what it is... a stepping stone. goals are usually unrealistic and the demands are always changing.

I am a patient who got acl surgery a couple years ago. I was advised to try one of these dynasplints for my knee to get the full range of motion back. My knee was already at 95% so I didn't really need it, but as long as it helped speed up the process and it was covered by my insurance, I didnt see the harm in trying it. I made sure to be very clear that if I had to pay a dime out of pocket that I would not bother trying these. After checking with my insurance company, my sales rep told me I was covered 100%. Few months later after I've returned them, I get multiple bills in the mail. They wanted 1500 dollars for a brace that I only tried on once! The person working in the billing department kept calling me. After trying to get my sales rep to straighten this thing out, the billing person said I would get a final bill with an updated and even bigger total any day now. This was a year ago. I thought that since I didnt hear from anyone that my sales rep had settled the matter for me, but I was wrong. I am only now receiving that bill in the mail and it is now for 1700! Why would they wait an entire year before sending me another bill? I dont understand. And they won't help me just keep asking me to pay even though I was told that I would not have to. I dont have the money. What happens if I do not pay???

I am a patient who got acl surgery a couple years ago. I was advised to try one of these dynasplints for my knee to get the full range of motion back. My knee was already at 95% so I didn't really need it, but as long as it helped speed up the process and it was covered by my insurance, I didnt see the harm in trying it. I made sure to be very clear that if I had to pay a dime out of pocket that I would not bother trying these. After checking with my insurance company, my sales rep told me I was covered 100%. Few months later after I've returned them, I get multiple bills in the mail. They wanted 1500 dollars for a brace that I only tried on once! The person working in the billing department kept calling me. After trying to get my sales rep to straighten this thing out, the billing person said I would get a final bill with an updated and even bigger total any day now. This was a year ago. I thought that since I didnt hear from anyone that my sales rep had settled the matter for me, but I was wrong. I am only now receiving that bill in the mail and it is now for 1700! Why would they wait an entire year before sending me another bill? I dont understand. And they won't help me just keep asking me to pay even though I was told that I would not have to. I dont have the money. What happens if I do not pay???

Ask the rep to get the approval number and call your insurance company to fight this!

I am a patient who got acl surgery a couple years ago. I was advised to try one of these dynasplints for my knee to get the full range of motion back. My knee was already at 95% so I didn't really need it, but as long as it helped speed up the process and it was covered by my insurance, I didnt see the harm in trying it. I made sure to be very clear that if I had to pay a dime out of pocket that I would not bother trying these. After checking with my insurance company, my sales rep told me I was covered 100%. Few months later after I've returned them, I get multiple bills in the mail. They wanted 1500 dollars for a brace that I only tried on once! The person working in the billing department kept calling me. After trying to get my sales rep to straighten this thing out, the billing person said I would get a final bill with an updated and even bigger total any day now. This was a year ago. I thought that since I didnt hear from anyone that my sales rep had settled the matter for me, but I was wrong. I am only now receiving that bill in the mail and it is now for 1700! Why would they wait an entire year before sending me another bill? I dont understand. And they won't help me just keep asking me to pay even though I was told that I would not have to. I dont have the money. What happens if I do not pay???

Hi - I would like to help you and look into the details. Please call me, 443.261.1716 and we will straighten out your bill or explain what is going on and make it right.

it's really what you make out of the position. You get what you put into it. Yes, the commission is tough to attain because of the previous reasons on upper posts. But it depends on what your goal is down the road. Not a bad opportunity.