Please chill for now. Very very soon you will have your excellent income restored when you are called back to work for this outstanding company and the money that you claim you need will be paid. Please utilize your credit cards until this time. Keep your chin up!I WANT MY MONEY YOU SORRY SACK OF SHIT!! NOW!
I am suddenly in the mood for a "Bowl of Eggs" and some Boudin! Hahahahhahahahaa
This company sucks! Has for years! Will for years! If it lasts for years, which it won't!
Rip the band-aid off folks. This one is over. You know who you are, bitch.
Could you please be a little more specific?
Please chill for now. Very very soon you will have your excellent income restored when you are called back to work for this outstanding company and the money that you claim you need will be paid. Please utilize your credit cards until this time. Keep your chin up!
They're your expenses so put them on your own credit card you selfish butthole.I can no longer put it on the company credit card, Am Ex has been cancelled....
WTF, you expect someone to pay you credit card expenses?
It's the cost of doing business and drawing an awesome salary.
Don't be so greedy and start trying to contribute to the turnaround you selfish bitch.
DSI is in survival mode. Are you deaf, dumb and blind?
The check is in the mail
where is all the payroll checks for the laid off employees? we are waiting for it so we can xmas shop, remember that story?
I tried calling the Neuro Office in New Orleans and the phone was disconnected. Any word on what's going on down there?
So what happened in court yesterday?
The company has been closed down! No monies will be paid out as chapter 13 protects from this. Our long nightmare is over.