DVP resigns

I will bet you Lou guaranteed them if they tested, they would be protected. Now the question is, how good a lab is Castle and if anything fishy has been going on. Lou, you deserve it. Kiss your goal of 1 million good by.

Seriously dude, you really need to move on from whatever perceived injustice you feel for Lou. You tie every thread/post back to him or Rob. Get over it already! No one at Castle has any influence over what the doctors do or bill for. These raids were not simply for ordering drug screens. It was a DEA/FBI raid on pain docs. If it was only ordering to many drug confirmations, the doctors would only be looking at insurance audits for medical necessity.
But, I know... It is personal. You tell us daily!

Ok, say it with me now. BONJI!....BONJI!..BONJI!..BONJ!BONJI!BONJI!BONJI!

Really? Can you not have an intelligent, adult conversation? If these skills (or lack thereof) you are displaying are any indication of your "professional" sales skills, it's no wonder you aren't producing or more than likely were already fired!

The entire sales force isn't producing and has been fired 4 times over. That's hardly a valid argument to make. Also, if conversations were being had we this board would likely not exist and we'd be busy closing deals. Many of the posts here are factual and remain an issue within Castle. TM's are still reporting issues to corporate, and the only result has been a change of expense report dates and more HC-1 reporting.

There may be some personal options about people at Castle, but there are a lot more factual and documented issues than anything. Castle brought this on themselves. There companies 100x the size of Castle that don't even have a forum.

The entire sales force isn't producing and has been fired 4 times over. That's hardly a valid argument to make. Also, if conversations were being had we this board would likely not exist and we'd be busy closing deals. Many of the posts here are factual and remain an issue within Castle. TM's are still reporting issues to corporate, and the only result has been a change of expense report dates and more HC-1 reporting.

There may be some personal options about people at Castle, but there are a lot more factual and documented issues than anything. Castle brought this on themselves. There companies 100x the size of Castle that don't even have a forum.


Dude, leave already. Castle is horrible? You are a super star? Yet can't find work? Hmmmm. I've been made 2 unsolicited offers in 4 weeks. Not everyone hates this company. Not everyone fails here. Yet everyone else is to blame. I know your response. .."whaaah..this is Rob or Lou...whaaaah...no way anyone can be happy and succeed if I dont...whaaah".



Dude, leave already. Castle is horrible? You are a super star? Yet can't find work? Hmmmm. I've been made 2 unsolicited offers in 4 weeks. Not everyone hates this company. Not everyone fails here. Yet everyone else is to blame. I know your response. .."whaaah..this is Rob or Lou...whaaaah...no way anyone can be happy and succeed if I dont...whaaah".


You've got me confused with someone else. I love this company and what I was lead to believe it stood for. From a numbers standpoint, I've done well here too. I simply want to see the values that this company was founded on upheld.


Dude, leave already. Castle is horrible? You are a super star? Yet can't find work? Hmmmm. I've been made 2 unsolicited offers in 4 weeks. Not everyone hates this company. Not everyone fails here. Yet everyone else is to blame. I know your response. .."whaaah..this is Rob or Lou...whaaaah...no way anyone can be happy and succeed if I dont...whaaah".


PREACH!!! Thank you Xxxx. I see a lot of whining and name calling but no solutions to real issues. From my point of view, (I'm not in the 400 club, YET), I really see mostly perceived issues and no one taking responsibly for their part in their failures. What happened to asking for help rather than anonymously complaining and trying to burn the whole house down? When I first started, I wore my DVP out with questions and calls. I was up and running within 3 weeks with my first sale/board.
All I see is fire management... "Rob and his DVP's don't know how to sell or manage..." Even without contribution from the whiners on this forum who only want carte blanche (complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best), Castle is still increasing, reps are still selling/boarding and the world is still turning. I believe in the mantra, "Man Up"! If one wants real change that will affect the whole, get out from behind your anonymous veil and computer and make change happen. I'm sure if Rosa Parks would have just went home and complained anonymously, her voice would still have made a difference??? NOT.