DVP resigns

You've got me confused with someone else. I love this company and what I was lead to believe it stood for. From a numbers standpoint, I've done well here too. I simply want to see the values that this company was founded on upheld.

What values are those??
You just keep pointing out perceived issues (not factual, as the entire sales force has not turned 4 times) & misinformation (in my division and others that I keep in touch with, much of the sales force is actually producing). I am on this board because I am tired of the "All Hype No Heart" and don't want the company I'm busting a$$ for to burn down around me because "haters gonna hate". If you love this company and are doing well, why are you on this board breathing more life into the bad publicity? Why not offer real solutions to real issues, not vague, "The entire sales force isn't producing and has been fired 4 times over" or "Castle brought this on themselves". You are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

PREACH!!! Thank you Xxxx. I see a lot of whining and name calling but no solutions to real issues. From my point of view, (I'm not in the 400 club, YET), I really see mostly perceived issues and no one taking responsibly for their part in their failures. What happened to asking for help rather than anonymously complaining and trying to burn the whole house down? When I first started, I wore my DVP out with questions and calls. I was up and running within 3 weeks with my first sale/board.
All I see is fire management... "Rob and his DVP's don't know how to sell or manage..." Even without contribution from the whiners on this forum who only want carte blanche (complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best), Castle is still increasing, reps are still selling/boarding and the world is still turning. I believe in the mantra, "Man Up"! If one wants real change that will affect the whole, get out from behind your anonymous veil and computer and make change happen. I'm sure if Rosa Parks would have just went home and complained anonymously, her voice would still have made a difference??? NOT.

"Get out from behind your anonymous veil" is hardly something you should be saying when you're in fact doing the same thing.

What values are those??
You just keep pointing out perceived issues (not factual, as the entire sales force has not turned 4 times) & misinformation (in my division and others that I keep in touch with, much of the sales force is actually producing). I am on this board because I am tired of the "All Hype No Heart" and don't want the company I'm busting a$$ for to burn down around me because "haters gonna hate". If you love this company and are doing well, why are you on this board breathing more life into the bad publicity? Why not offer real solutions to real issues, not vague, "The entire sales force isn't producing and has been fired 4 times over" or "Castle brought this on themselves". You are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Keep posting? I've posted two times.

You realize Anonymous isn't the same person right? Ok, good.

I have a right to voice how I feel like you do. How do you know I haven't gone to the appropriate places? Provide some facts and information to counter what I've said and I'll gladly reveal who I am.

"Get out from behind your anonymous veil" is hardly something you should be saying when you're in fact doing the same thing.

I'm not complaining and hoping for change. My post was to show not everyone is unhappy at Castle not anonymously whining like all the rest. When I have an issue, I don't hide behind an anonymous veil, I call my DVP, I call Rob and have even went to Scott previously with an idea.

I'm not complaining and hoping for change. My post was to show not everyone is unhappy at Castle not anonymously whining like all the rest. When I have an issue, I don't hide behind an anonymous veil, I call my DVP, I call Rob and have even went to Scott previously with an idea.

You can't assume that others haven't done the same either.

This is my first post on this thread and I just read the above conversation. We have brought up many solutions. You know the turnover rate is deplorable. Something is not working. I had my first sale my very first day in the field so please stop telling me how much better you are. Different people have expressed their frustrations on this board and yes some are personal attacks which I do not agree with. Lou was not my DVP and I had no issue with him until I read this board but I must say that he has crossed the line. These are real issues. These are real lives and families you are affecting. You lost an awesome sales representative when you lost me. I am doing well now but the experience was very frightening for me and my family who depend upon me. I do not want to see others go through the same experience I had.

This is my first post on this thread and I just read the above conversation. We have brought up many solutions. You know the turnover rate is deplorable. Something is not working. I had my first sale my very first day in the field so please stop telling me how much better you are. Different people have expressed their frustrations on this board and yes some are personal attacks which I do not agree with. Lou was not my DVP and I had no issue with him until I read this board but I must say that he has crossed the line. These are real issues. These are real lives and families you are affecting. You lost an awesome sales representative when you lost me. I am doing well now but the experience was very frightening for me and my family who depend upon me. I do not want to see others go through the same experience I had.

I completely agree with this post. I can't agree with personal attacks on people, that's just not how I roll. I closed and boarded three large accounts before training and was building business every week at a good rate. However, I did not meet the KPI's required of me in spite of the business I brought to the company with 0 training. My DVP and I met for the first time at training (after I spent 3 weeks in the field prior). I never saw him again for 2 months after. I'd elaborate more on my experience, but it will fall on def ears, even after I reported to the proper chain of command.

I know I'm not alone in my experience and also know that the issues have not resolved. A bandaid has been put on until the next training class begins.

Keep posting? I've posted two times.

You realize Anonymous isn't the same person right? Ok, good.

I have a right to voice how I feel like you do. How do you know I haven't gone to the appropriate places? Provide some facts and information to counter what I've said and I'll gladly reveal who I am.

My apologies if you haven't been on these threads posting continuously. However, your post that I & another poster responded to is continuing to spread the lies and misinformation that some are obviously using to try to burn down our Castle. I can understand wanting changes. I don't understand trying to hurt the very company that gave us an opportunity in the first place. It is called an Opportunity (as defined by Websters: an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done) not a Certainty for a reason. Some just will not work out.
I am new to this board, but from all that I have read, it is not really about getting change, as real change doesn't come from anonymous (& quite hateful/aggressive) complaint forums. They come when you speak up, unshielded, with real solutions to your complaints.
You absolutely have a right to your voice... I would implore you to use it where it can make a difference... OUT LOUD!
You didn't answer my question about values you feel aren't being upheld.
Where do you get that the entire sales force has turned 4 times over? You are misinformed, as my division has some that were here before "CastleGate" and we are part of the "entire sales force". No? I also speak regularly with several others in other divisions that have also been here since last year, also part of the "entire sales force". So although I don't know true #'s to the turnover, I know your comment is way overstated for hype and most likely secondhand rumors.
As far as conversations, I have had many with my DVP, as well as Rob. Maybe that is why I AM out closing deals. In my experience, every issue I have brought up, from billing to expenses to missing samples, have been resolved usually within the day. Maybe it was because I picked up the phone rather than cafepharma.com???
I really don't care about your identity, I would simply like to see you using your voice rather than your keyboard... Especially if, as you say, you love our Castle!

My apologies if you haven't been on these threads posting continuously. However, your post that I & another poster responded to is continuing to spread the lies and misinformation that some are obviously using to try to burn down our Castle. I can understand wanting changes. I don't understand trying to hurt the very company that gave us an opportunity in the first place. It is called an Opportunity (as defined by Websters: an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done) not a Certainty for a reason. Some just will not work out.
I am new to this board, but from all that I have read, it is not really about getting change, as real change doesn't come from anonymous (& quite hateful/aggressive) complaint forums. They come when you speak up, unshielded, with real solutions to your complaints.
You absolutely have a right to your voice... I would implore you to use it where it can make a difference... OUT LOUD!
You didn't answer my question about values you feel aren't being upheld.
Where do you get that the entire sales force has turned 4 times over? You are misinformed, as my division has some that were here before "CastleGate" and we are part of the "entire sales force". No? I also speak regularly with several others in other divisions that have also been here since last year, also part of the "entire sales force". So although I don't know true #'s to the turnover, I know your comment is way overstated for hype and most likely secondhand rumors.
As far as conversations, I have had many with my DVP, as well as Rob. Maybe that is why I AM out closing deals. In my experience, every issue I have brought up, from billing to expenses to missing samples, have been resolved usually within the day. Maybe it was because I picked up the phone rather than cafepharma.com???
I really don't care about your identity, I would simply like to see you using your voice rather than your keyboard... Especially if, as you say, you love our Castle!

How much more do you need to implore Rob? This board has been on here maybe a month, and if you look outside of the personal comments about you, you'll see valid concerns and issues.

I too called whom I needed to directly about issues, concerns, challenges and have documented proof that they were not resolved within the day. So I went up the rung on the ladder and was able to talk to whom I needed to, which was a positive.

I closed deals regularly as well and had no accounts handed to me. I was fired by the infamous "Chiropractor" for not meeting my KPI's. The reports that I printed out weekly showed that I had been 5-6 IC's short of my goal. My closing ratio was at 83% and I boarded 90% of those same accounts after being in the field for 5 weeks. Check off my Patton Speech membership on the list of many things that I bought into with Castle. I have no problem providing proof to Castle if they were willing to have me come back in.

This was not a situation where it just didn't work out for me. It was a call before I walked into a presentation informing me that I was no longer employed by Castle. I'm still good friends with many of the TM"s that worked with me and NONE of them are still on that team, but I do know that the accounts are still producing for the company because I did a damn good job setting them up. They remained good producers for you, because I CHOSE to go to every single one of my accounts and pass transition them, even after you said that you had called them already.(which was completely false btw, not one account had heard from anyone at Castle prior to me showing up).

I was a great employee, I bought in and my family and I are struggling financially because I lost a job due to me ensuring my customer were provided with the upmost of service.

Nice try.

Thank you. I realize not each division has turned over completely but ours did several times. There is not one person on the team that was in the August class or the October/December class and several territories turned over multiple times. That is a huge failure. This is what has to stop. If it is not for you then great, move on but some of us did everything we were supposed to and were randomly fired. Why was the person who was bringing in 300 plus let go? She was blindsided. My territory also has continued to bring in samples for the company.

I know what Carte Blanche and Opportunity mean. Thanks for the definitions but I am not sure why you are doing that? I was not given an opportunity, I was taken advantage of. Sorry that is just the way I see it. An opportunity would have been a realistic chance to make commissions on my sales but that is not what happened. I was given $1,000 a month and gas to try and gobble up as much business as I could without regard to a long term approach of building solid business. The goals were not realistic for my territory and so there was not a real opportunity. I went backwards in my income due to a lack of commissions for the time I was with Castle and the time it took me to get back on my feet after I was let go. That is not what I call an opportunity.

How much more do you need to implore Rob? This board has been on here maybe a month, and if you look outside of the personal comments about you, you'll see valid concerns and issues.

I too called whom I needed to directly about issues, concerns, challenges and have documented proof that they were not resolved within the day. So I went up the rung on the ladder and was able to talk to whom I needed to, which was a positive.

I closed deals regularly as well and had no accounts handed to me. I was fired by the infamous "Chiropractor" for not meeting my KPI's. The reports that I printed out weekly showed that I had been 5-6 IC's short of my goal... Check off my Patton Speech membership on the list of many things that I bought into with Castle. I have no problem providing proof to Castle if they were willing to have me come back in.

This was not a situation where it just didn't work out for me. It was a call before I walked into a presentation informing me that I was no longer employed by Castle. I'm still good friends with many of the TM"s that worked with me and NONE of them are still on that team, but I do know that the accounts are still producing for the company because I did a damn good job setting them up. They remained good producers for you, because I CHOSE to go to every single one of my accounts and pass transition them, even after you said that you had called them already.(which was completely false btw, not one account had heard from anyone at Castle prior to me showing up).

I was a great employee, I bought in and my family and I are struggling financially because I lost a job due to me ensuring my customer were provided with the upmost of service.

Nice try.

Contrary to the negative light of Castle on this board, not everyone hates working here. Of course, since I have a different opinion and experience than you, I must be Rob? So, let me get this straight, this board is only for the disgruntled? Anyway, I digress...
I really feel bad for your situation, I've been there on more than one occasion in my many years of sales. I wish you success soon, here or elsewhere. Although in my experience you can not move forward until you let go of the past and stop telling the failed story... Just my 2 cents.
Even with that said, none of your statements add up. Why would anyone at Castle fire you if in fact your statements were true, "My closing ratio was at 83% and I boarded 90% of those same accounts after being in the field for 5 weeks". If those are indeed correct, then unless you only had 3 presentations and boarded 2 and 1/2, you must have had a decent sample volume. Your belief is that you were fired for being short on initial contacts??? Are you really saying that in your outside voice? Hell, maybe I should get trained by you as I am no where near closing and boarding that well, and yet here I am, still here & loving it. Do you think they fired you because the Chiropractor was intimidated and couldn't handle your success? LOL
I am calling BS on your whole accounting of your situation. Castle is a for profit business. They don't make money unless accounts are sending in samples. After reading some of the post on this board, I asked my DVP and then called Rob directly about DVP's firing people to keep accounts (as well as some of the other issues brought up here), which really didn't make sense to me logistically. This is the misinformation this board is famous for (i.e.: a female TM with 300 samples fired randomly?) & it is nonsensical if you think about it at a cerebral level (not that there is much of that going on on this board). Call anyone you want to verify... Corp office, Scott, Rob, etc. Accounts have to be maintained or they are stolen, which is how I gained a few of my accounts from bigger labs. DVP's don't live in their TM's areas therefore couldn't visit and maintain their accounts. No one along the line would risk losing samples if in fact you had any sending in, because you were short on your initial contacts??? Doesn't add up. I don't hit all my KPI's and I've been here since last year. Maybe the "Chiropractor" couldn't see your great ratios and samples on HC1??
If you do in fact have proof of your #s/ratio's as you say, I would say put it all together and send it in to Rob or Corp or whoever else you feel could help prove you were fired wrongly. Castle is a young and growing company, and everybody makes mistakes & their motto is "Bonji ~ take it to completion", so you could use that to your favor.
Seriously, good luck to you if you move forward with trying to come back to Castle or for future ventures. If you really are as good as you say, and you "Let it Go", you will be a great asset to anyone who hires you!

Yes there was a female rep with 300 samples per week who was randomly let go. Fact. Sorry if you do not believe it. Not only are people let go but many leave when they see that what is happening. We can let go. I have certainly moved on as I am happily employed elsewhere. Yes I boarded many accounts but in my area testing is not done at the high volume that it is in the South. I came on this board to share my experience with others and help anyone who is struggling to find employment after Castle. I guess the chiropractor just hired 30 people who were not as awesome as you. Funny they came from some great backgrounds and many are doing quite well now. Like I said I guess they just were not as awesome as you. Glad to know you love your job and working at Castle.

If you want to dispute anything on here we put up a thread for factual information and none of it has been disputed. Nobody wants false information on here. We want the truth.

Contrary to the negative light of Castle on this board, not everyone hates working here. Of course, since I have a different opinion and experience than you, I must be Rob? So, let me get this straight, this board is only for the disgruntled? Anyway, I digress...
I really feel bad for your situation, I've been there on more than one occasion in my many years of sales. I wish you success soon, here or elsewhere. Although in my experience you can not move forward until you let go of the past and stop telling the failed story... Just my 2 cents.
Even with that said, none of your statements add up. Why would anyone at Castle fire you if in fact your statements were true, "My closing ratio was at 83% and I boarded 90% of those same accounts after being in the field for 5 weeks". If those are indeed correct, then unless you only had 3 presentations and boarded 2 and 1/2, you must have had a decent sample volume. Your belief is that you were fired for being short on initial contacts??? Are you really saying that in your outside voice? Hell, maybe I should get trained by you as I am no where near closing and boarding that well, and yet here I am, still here & loving it. Do you think they fired you because the Chiropractor was intimidated and couldn't handle your success? LOL
I am calling BS on your whole accounting of your situation. Castle is a for profit business. They don't make money unless accounts are sending in samples. After reading some of the post on this board, I asked my DVP and then called Rob directly about DVP's firing people to keep accounts (as well as some of the other issues brought up here), which really didn't make sense to me logistically. This is the misinformation this board is famous for (i.e.: a female TM with 300 samples fired randomly?) & it is nonsensical if you think about it at a cerebral level (not that there is much of that going on on this board). Call anyone you want to verify... Corp office, Scott, Rob, etc. Accounts have to be maintained or they are stolen, which is how I gained a few of my accounts from bigger labs. DVP's don't live in their TM's areas therefore couldn't visit and maintain their accounts. No one along the line would risk losing samples if in fact you had any sending in, because you were short on your initial contacts??? Doesn't add up. I don't hit all my KPI's and I've been here since last year. Maybe the "Chiropractor" couldn't see your great ratios and samples on HC1??
If you do in fact have proof of your #s/ratio's as you say, I would say put it all together and send it in to Rob or Corp or whoever else you feel could help prove you were fired wrongly. Castle is a young and growing company, and everybody makes mistakes & their motto is "Bonji ~ take it to completion", so you could use that to your favor.
Seriously, good luck to you if you move forward with trying to come back to Castle or for future ventures. If you really are as good as you say, and you "Let it Go", you will be a great asset to anyone who hires you!

There are only 2 sales reps that have been
With Castle over a year & your NOT one of them...

Yes there was a female rep with 300 samples per week who was randomly let go. Fact. Sorry if you do not believe it. Not only are people let go but many leave when they see that what is happening. We can let go. I have certainly moved on as I am happily employed elsewhere. Yes I boarded many accounts but in my area testing is not done at the high volume that it is in the South. I came on this board to share my experience with others and help anyone who is struggling to find employment after Castle. I guess the chiropractor just hired 30 people who were not as awesome as you. Funny they came from some great backgrounds and many are doing quite well now. Like I said I guess they just were not as awesome as you. Glad to know you love your job and working at Castle.

Fact? Please show proof, because it makes absolutely no sense at all that Castle would jeopardize 300 samples randomly. Oh yeah, I forgot, she was fired so the DVP could gobble up her samples. I would love to see some proof of this mythical chick. Why do you suppose they are keeping me (and those of you that are still employed here with less than 300 samples a week)??? She must have just drawn the short stick that day...
I never alluded to being awesome, and even shared that I am not a top producer, YET.
I still question how "happily employed elsewhere" you are if you feel the need to come back to a Castle forum to tell us how happy you are and so generously share your negative experience. I get it, not everyone will have my opinion or favorable experience, as with any other company out there (have you ever googled Disney World reviews and it's the greatest place on earth). I am simply on this board to show that not everyone has a bad opinion of Castle.

Castle Medical
...I love working here

Fact? Please show proof, because it makes absolutely no sense at all that Castle would jeopardize 300 samples randomly. Oh yeah, I forgot, she was fired so the DVP could gobble up her samples. I would love to see some proof of this mythical chick. Why do you suppose they are keeping me (and those of you that are still employed here with less than 300 samples a week)??? She must have just drawn the short stick that day...
I never alluded to being awesome, and even shared that I am not a top producer, YET.
I still question how "happily employed elsewhere" you are if you feel the need to come back to a Castle forum to tell us how happy you are and so generously share your negative experience. I get it, not everyone will have my opinion or favorable experience, as with any other company out there (have you ever googled Disney World reviews and it's the greatest place on earth). I am simply on this board to show that not everyone has a bad opinion of Castle.

Castle Medical
...I love working here

Wow. They must have put extra sugar in this cat's kool aid. He/she has no doubt been set up by the DVPs in a sad attempt to discredit the very accurate posts on this board. If you are indeed a TM, do you think it's a little strange that you seem to be the only one, (or one of very few) posting who ...loves working here?

Fact? Please show proof, because it makes absolutely no sense at all that Castle would jeopardize 300 samples randomly. Oh yeah, I forgot, she was fired so the DVP could gobble up her samples. I would love to see some proof of this mythical chick. Why do you suppose they are keeping me (and those of you that are still employed here with less than 300 samples a week)??? She must have just drawn the short stick that day...
I never alluded to being awesome, and even shared that I am not a top producer, YET.
I still question how "happily employed elsewhere" you are if you feel the need to come back to a Castle forum to tell us how happy you are and so generously share your negative experience. I get it, not everyone will have my opinion or favorable experience, as with any other company out there (have you ever googled Disney World reviews and it's the greatest place on earth). I am simply on this board to show that not everyone has a bad opinion of Castle.

Castle Medical
...I love working here

You want proof? I have it right here in my file . Hold on. I just had it. Here it.....is. nope that's not it. I had it in a file with the proof of the 500,000 account along with Rob's qualifications. Hmm seems I can't find it. Tell you what sparky. How about you produce those two documents and I will send you the proof you seek. Moron.