Dumbest Move Yet...

wait and see. the word is out that some reps have very high base salaries while others who actually produce barely get by with thier salary. throw in the fact that the comp plan is disgusting and when you are over plan you can owe significant money. please do not use the phrase "you were overpaid" either. reps are looking and the time is coming.

well it is about that time when we lose a ton of reps. this place is like a bad college football program that is always rebuilding. they never give it enough time, instead changing the direction and goals and plans every year instead of building continuity.

they dont try to keep anybody if they did we wouldnt have lost all that talent. they let you go right out the door... and if they did try and keep you they would probably only offer you something insulting that wouldnt be enough to keep you around anyway. too many gaps in pay here. bases from 50k to 90k or higher. reps are not happy. recipe for turnover.

The best part about this is the reputation that this company has earned over the last couple of years. Industry-wide, this place is known as a "transition" company. In other words, one only takes a job at Haemo if they are in dire need of a job, until they find the position that they really wants with another company. Congratulations, BC, JG, BG have run the company into the ground and destroyed its reputation, which is now beyond repair.

Just wait. More people are leaving. But please realize, these ignorant fucks (yes, we mean you too, Sherri) don't care. It's all about the money for the protected ones at the top....

we are in for more big changes. of course none of them will help anybody and we will still be light years behind our plan. here is a clue: get a new plan, this product is not going to grow.

What's funny is you make these changes and expect no one to talk. The bulk of this gossip comes from corporate, not the reps! Can't wait for the call! The only constant here is change!

Yep, they were trying to get rid of the Houston rep, then HR took over and in usual fashion, screwed up.

Can anyone help me? I had a recruiter contact me about working for this company in Houston. I see there are posts about the Southern manager and that they wanted the last rep gone. Should I even bother?