Dropping like flies!

Just wondering who left? Who is still around? CNS was a revolving door when I was there. Women's Health had become PIP hell with managers torturing reps during ride alongs in the field trying to get them to quit. Wow, I forgot how much I missed Noven!

Nice fire the CNS reps ? Let's see we have brand new docs we had zero relationship with not to mention we cross over with 4 WH rep- we are used to selling hard products and we have more RX than several WH reps in just 3 months- why don't you try driving. 2 hours to get to a PCP office to new docs you never met ? Looks like we are a threat to you ! You must be on the bottom of " the list !" Some of us work really hard and have families to feed so thanks for hoping we get fired/,karma is a bitch - enjoy your pip

If being put on a PIP will get me out of here sooner, sign me up.

Let's face it, we are all in the same boat and it's sinking fast. So no need to hate on each other. For anyone who thinks that Noven is the company that you will retire from...wake up. Unless you're 60 years old that is. We are all seriously brain-washed or idiots for not seeing the writing on the wall.

I am one of the idiots. Fact is, I'm just too lazy to look as I know I'm getting paid a decent salary to work a pretty easy job. Unfortunately this ride will not last long. And the sooner all of you pro-Noven reps accept that, the more motivated you will become to look for another job. Thus preventing the inevitability of having to move back into your parent's basement. You're welcome.


Your Future

Why not just fire the CNS force oppose to waiting for people to quit? They aren't bringing in many scripts most of these reps.

Seriously, you had to ask that? Well, because if someone quits you don't have to pay them Jack Sh#t! You fire them and there is always a chance for legal issues and unemployment benefits, which Noven would have to pay.

Oh, to the CNS person who responded to the same ridiculous comment: I feel for you guys. I'm in WH and I think you guys are getting a raw deal that is almost impossible for you to win. You have been thrown Brisdelle with no training in the estrogen market. I'm not sure how Noven expects you to have discussions on why to use Brisdelle when your targets probably use estrogen frequently. It's BS and I hope most of you find something better. I too have a family that depends on my income. I'm concerned and looking.

Former Noven rep here. You all should be looking & interviewing like crazy. I knew it was bad when I was there with the way we were all being treated, but I never fully understood how poorly things were run. I heavily express FULLY because I was aware that things were back-assed. Once I moved to a functional company it became an eye opening experience to see that companies can run efficiently and logically. No more blaming the reps bc product isn't moving, no more shorting the reps of samples, no more enormous drop shipments of promo pieces, no more not being able to call someone above your manager w/o going through your manager, no more stealing rep $ bc ICP wasn't planned properly, no more "the story changing monthly" (copay cards), no more developing products there is no market for, no more hiring executives just bc they were from J&J, Wyeth, etc., . . . I could go on and on until my iPad runs out of power. Point is Novenites - there are some phenomenal companies out there that would love to hire you and treat you with the respect you deserve. You are intelligent, capable, and skilled sales people. Now go find a new job!

Troll, really? The guy is spot on. Noven is a pathetic little wanna be company trying to pass itself off as big pharma. They're like the guy going into a no limit poker game with $100 in his pocket and calling himself a gambler. It was good experience for the resume though...how to sell crummy, low volume products with no resources. And top management? Retreads and castoffs just passing time collecting a check and practicing retirement. Just look at Panagy. When do you EVER hear from him other than his 15 minute rah-rah at the national meeting?

Almost outta here!

Whoever is asking... "Who is leaving."... Haven't you been paying attention? Or do you not really work here? When your top rep for several years In a row jumps ship, along with other reps who have always been at the top of the ranking report - you need to take heed. Then look at corp office. Just keep working hard so you can get ripped by your DM, and look for a new job on your days off. Or do as so many have done... Go on medical leave!

I am out soon, hopefully, to a better company. Will I be layoff -proof? Not in this industry. But Paul needs to stop talking to reps like they are garbage. Why were we hired in the first place? Could it be that we've done well prior to this dog drug? At other companies? And here as well? Did we suddenly all turn into slackers who can't sell? Or could it be that's between the drug, the messaging and the copy card, we are fighting a losing battle. Good luck to all.

Paul doesn't care and putting us down makes him feel better about who he is- I can't believe Andy and Scott tolerate this- do they see his emails?

Ps how do you do " medical leave ?" :)

The best part is that this corp exec who keeps posting "Move along troll" has no valid response when asked about Noven's clear vision or stability at the moment. Please enlighten everyone on here with some facts. Oh wait you don't have any haha lol. The fact is you geniuses thought this product would be a homerun and there was a huge market for the product. Then you realized there wasn't but it's too late you put all of your money in one basket and now you're fucked. The panic you displayed at the POA's was pathetic. Let's act like the 4 non-negotiable's is going to make a difference. The product is shit and re-packaged Paxil...let's call it like it is. So it's not the reps fault but you all up top. Everyone make sure to send your new success stories after the POA's regarding the new B messaging and how dr's are acting different and things have changed ;=) Yea ok.

How about getting Brisdelle on Medicaid or Medicare? That's a big reason it's tanking...they put it all on the reps- the micro managing DMs making us call in and report our success after a week?2 hour conf calls in 4 days? Seriously? Why have a POA if we have all these Cc? Oh and let's not forget there l endless ride alongs that keep us from seeing docs? They do not want DMs in the office so they can " evaluate " us on our docs time . How about letting us sell the drug!!!it's not that we don't know " the message"...docs do not care!!!!

Paul doesn't care and putting us down makes him feel better about who he is- I can't believe Andy and Scott tolerate this- do they see his emails?

Ps how do you do " medical leave ?" :)

How does Andy tolerate this??? Andy loves it! Paul is perfect for Andy because Andy is a coward and can't himself. So he hides behind that nasty gotee and phony smile while paulie lays down the hammer, all the way cheering on paulie. Who do you think made the call to whack the good DMs? And he hid on vacation while Briggs took the heat. Open your eyes man.

The one I feel sorry for is Briggs. Good guy caught in a cesspool that's going nowhere. Sad. He's young and sharp, needs to get out of the AA league and get called up to the majors.

What do you mean whack good DMs? There is one DM in south that is so unliked by reps and other managers. At meetings h e tries to buddy up to whoever will talk to him and he can't tell by body language we don't like him. Docs won't let us back or cut off call because he is there. He chases them down the hall... he has lost so many reps because of this behavior...he has major favorites even if they aren't performing- it's so blatant ... why is he still around.? Scott actually tries to say thanks and has a positive attitude!