Former Noven rep here. You all should be looking & interviewing like crazy. I knew it was bad when I was there with the way we were all being treated, but I never fully understood how poorly things were run. I heavily express FULLY because I was aware that things were back-assed. Once I moved to a functional company it became an eye opening experience to see that companies can run efficiently and logically. No more blaming the reps bc product isn't moving, no more shorting the reps of samples, no more enormous drop shipments of promo pieces, no more not being able to call someone above your manager w/o going through your manager, no more stealing rep $ bc ICP wasn't planned properly, no more "the story changing monthly" (copay cards), no more developing products there is no market for, no more hiring executives just bc they were from J&J, Wyeth, etc., . . . I could go on and on until my iPad runs out of power. Point is Novenites - there are some phenomenal companies out there that would love to hire you and treat you with the respect you deserve. You are intelligent, capable, and skilled sales people. Now go find a new job!