What effect will this have on service ?
Probably not too will impose strict workplace rules and reduce any flexibilty on both sides.
What effect will this have on service ?
The drivers are being replaced by outside independent contractors. They betrayed their employer and their fellow employees. No one is on their side anymore. They won’t be missed,
More fake news provided by HTH.
yes. This is fake news.
Beware the HTH virus...symptons include obsessive postings, spewing of false information, and a general feeling of lack of truth.....wash your hands after each of his posts.
Blurry vision.
Our union brothers and sister stand with the company in the virus emergency and were proud to see our CEO standing with President Trump on national TV.
The unionized drivers are no longer part of our company. You are our adversaries. Everyone is ashamed of you,
While that might be your point of the view, nothing could be further from the truth.
Workers in other large work groups have offered praise and encouragement to us. They are keeping a close eye on the contract negotiations( in which the company is dragging it's feet) to see what kind of deal gets negotiated. We are also in touch with work groups in other parts of the USA.
As a rep, I value the drivers that I have contact with. They make my job a little easier by fostering good relationships in my territory and giving me heads up on things they see.
If joining a union gets them more pay, so be it as long as their work stays at a high level.
when have you seen union employees work at a high level? History shows never, hence the union!
when have you seen union employees work at a high level? History shows never, hence the union!
The airplane I recently flew in was piloted by a union member, the first responder that saved my life is a union member, that great college professor is a union guy..........unions are not evil though sometimes the companies they protect their members against are
Companies are not evil but in some cases there are evil people that help to run them. Quest has some of this going on
We live in a democracy and the drivers simply exercised rights that are afforded them under the law.
It might have been avoided if the company were not so cheap and did not change the conditions of employment in the first place with cutbacks and takeaways.
Evil is probably too strong of a word, but selfish and inconsiderate might certainly apply to DGX leadership.