Drivers in Teterboro Join Union

The unionized drivers are no longer part of our company. You are our adversaries. Everyone is ashamed of you,

While that might be your point of the view, nothing could be further from the truth.

Workers in other large work groups have offered praise and encouragement to us. They are keeping a close eye on the contract negotiations( in which the company is dragging it's feet) to see what kind of deal gets negotiated. We are also in touch with work groups in other parts of the USA.

While that might be your point of the view, nothing could be further from the truth.

Workers in other large work groups have offered praise and encouragement to us. They are keeping a close eye on the contract negotiations( in which the company is dragging it's feet) to see what kind of deal gets negotiated. We are also in touch with work groups in other parts of the USA.

Wow are you delusional. Very telling how you talk about “the company”. Do you even know who “the company” actually is? It’s all of us.

We created the courier position. You came to us, asking to please hire you at the stated wages and then you stab us all in the back. And then you threaten to fo harm our company if you don’t get your way. And you think we respect that? What have you done, to deserve more from all of us? Have you ever sold an account? Have you performed a test? What are your skills? Let me answer that. You have none. You have a drivers license. How impressive. So does every 16 year old. You clearly have no idea how much everyone despises the drivers now.

As a rep, I value the drivers that I have contact with. They make my job a little easier by fostering good relationships in my territory and giving me heads up on things they see.

If joining a union gets them more pay, so be it as long as their work stays at a high level.

As a rep, I value the drivers that I have contact with. They make my job a little easier by fostering good relationships in my territory and giving me heads up on things they see.

If joining a union gets them more pay, so be it as long as their work stays at a high level.

when have you seen union employees work at a high level? History shows never, hence the union!

when have you seen union employees work at a high level? History shows never, hence the union!

Excellent point. The drivers applied for these jobs with full knowledge of the wages. And after we gave them the opportunity, they threatened to harm the company and all of the trustworthy employees here, if they can’t have more. Here’s a novel idea, drivers. Why don’t you add more value? Why don’t you apply for a better paying position? No one respects you and we’ll all be better off when you’re gone.

when have you seen union employees work at a high level? History shows never, hence the union!

The airplane I recently flew in was piloted by a union member, the first responder that saved my life is a union member, that great college professor is a union guy..........unions are not evil though sometimes the companies they protect their members against are

The airplane I recently flew in was piloted by a union member, the first responder that saved my life is a union member, that great college professor is a union guy..........unions are not evil though sometimes the companies they protect their members against are

If you believe that Quest Diagnostics is “evil”, then why do you work here? You’re a hypocrite and a liar.

Companies are not evil but in some cases there are evil people that help to run them. Quest has some of this going on

Why would you work for people who you think are “evil”?

Quest Diagnostics is not an evil company and neither is the leadership.

Quest Diagnostics keeps their promises to employees. The drivers applied for jobs at agreed upon wages. They are free to leave or to apply for better paying positions. Collectively threatening a fair employer for additional wages that are not owed, is wrong! And it hurts the decent employees who respect their agreements.

We live in a democracy and the drivers simply exercised rights that are afforded them under the law.

It might have been avoided if the company were not so cheap and did not change the conditions of employment in the first place with cutbacks and takeaways.

Evil is probably too strong of a word, but selfish and inconsiderate might certainly apply to DGX leadership.

We live in a democracy and the drivers simply exercised rights that are afforded them under the law.

It might have been avoided if the company were not so cheap and did not change the conditions of employment in the first place with cutbacks and takeaways.

Evil is probably too strong of a word, but selfish and inconsiderate might certainly apply to DGX leadership.

Cutbacks? Takeaways? Fake News. Propaganda. Untrue.