Downsizing due to COVID-19

Dividing us? Must be a SJW or Crimillary Butt swab. I try to imagine Bernie or Dementia Jo' trying to lead thru this and I laugh and cry at the same time.

Donald, is that you? It has your flair for ignorance wrapped bravado, plus your trademark lack of self awareness.

shouldn't you be lying to us at your press briefing now? Death brings high ratings....

Hello you idiots. I can confirm that there are already discussions going on at the most senior level in the company about the new go to market model moving forward. What do you think the implications are for the sales force? The industry?

how many MSLs did MRK hire? What was the salary range? Are they all MDs?... Golly when I retired from the MSL position in 2011 my salary was just over $200K and I left with a $1.6 MM pension and$ 2.1MM 401K

how many MSLs did MRK hire? What was the salary range? Are they all MDs?... Golly when I retired from the MSL position in 2011 my salary was just over $200K and I left with a $1.6 MM pension and$ 2.1MM 401K

Not anymore.

Lucky if they hire a PharmD with more than a few years of internships from CVS, paying them $130k.

It's basically a midlevel sales rep job now

how many MSLs did MRK hire? What was the salary range? Are they all MDs?... Golly when I retired from the MSL position in 2011 my salary was just over $200K and I left with a $1.6 MM pension and$ 2.1MM 401K

Nope Not True!!!! Ken Frazier said they were not even looking at downsizing. I believe if Ken says that then we are good.

Yes, you should believe anything Kenny says, he would never mislead you. Oh and Fox News, they don’t mislead anyone. Oh and CNN, they don’t mislead either. let’s all join hand and praise Ken