Downsizing due to COVID-19

Let’s see.....62 weeks severance, 80 weeks benefits, bridge to 55, 32 years of service. If I thought I could find some other job for about 5 years, I think my hand might actually fly off my arm.

You might get your wish real soon. UAL just offered employees buyouts, other large companies including Merck are preparing to do the same thing. HR, Lawyers and Top Executives of Merck are crafting a letter to go out to employees very soon.

We are in and out of healthcare institutions where this virus WILL be. Odds of us being exposed is considerably higher and morally , until this is under control, we should not conduct face to face calls. The transmission rate needs to be slowed down to flatten the curve and I'm afraid we would increase the spread of the virus thus making the situation much worse. I know I can get the job done from home but I fear there will be a downsizing as Merck will not want the liability.
You can most certainly get that fake job done from home. Rest assured.

Wait until Merck sees there was little to no impact on sales with reps not visiting offices and hospitals, doing little in the way of are right to worry, this is likely to confirm what management has long suspected, Merck can do with a LOT less reps and see no impact on sales
Ummmm…. you do realize that they've already eliminated 90% of the sales reps, right? Do you think you're having some kind of novel epiphany?

How long does Merck continue to pay us to stay home ? What if this continues into the summer ?
My opinion, which is worth what you paid for it, is rep access is going to be quite limited for quite some time; really quite possibly until there is a vaccine. I think it is very unlikely that things will open up in 3 months, and as long as the fear of a second wave stays alive, our access will be very limited in the fall as well. So if you operate on these assumptions, as a company, what would you do? Science can save us, nothing else will.

the only drug we have is keytruda. We have way too many reps selling it and sales force will be cut in 1/2 at least. You heard it hear first. You are not qualified to sell in Rare or Gene therapy. Go get your real estate license.

Sheesh, even in a time like this we can't come together. Just continually insulting each other back and forth.

T-rump has really done a good job dividing us.

Dividing us? Must be a SJW or Crimillary Butt swab. I try to imagine Bernie or Dementia Jo' trying to lead thru this and I laugh and cry at the same time.