Dont Take Contract. You will Lost Respect of Everyone.


The day your contract starts the clock starts ticking. You will not get on another contract, and who would want to. And you will never get back into a real Pharmaceutical position. This happened to me. I was on a 2 yr. contract, it ended and now no one will even interview me. One manager told me last week that he will not consider contract because they are a dime a dozen. I have destroyed my chances.

The day your contract starts the clock starts ticking. You will not get on another contract, and who would want to. And you will never get back into a real Pharmaceutical position. This happened to me. I was on a 2 yr. contract, it ended and now no one will even interview me. One manager told me last week that he will not consider contract because they are a dime a dozen. I have destroyed my chances.

We have to wait til the old generation Pharma managers retire, unfortunately they are all brain washed into this line of thinking.

The day your contract starts the clock starts ticking. You will not get on another contract, and who would want to. And you will never get back into a real Pharmaceutical position. This happened to me. I was on a 2 yr. contract, it ended and now no one will even interview me. One manager told me last week that he will not consider contract because they are a dime a dozen. I have destroyed my chances.

I got a job while on contract. The truth is you are a loser. I was on my second contract and got a job selling diabetes meds while on the contact I made while on contract. I know two other reps that got jobs while on contract as well.
If you are an old fart that got fired and then went to contract as as last resort, last stop, then why do you think others would see you differently? So sad....

I got a job while on contract. The truth is you are a loser. I was on my second contract and got a job selling diabetes meds while on the contact I made while on contract. I know two other reps that got jobs while on contract as well.
If you are an old fart that got fired and then went to contract as as last resort, last stop, then why do you think others would see you differently? So sad....

Contract is for those that cannot get hired anywhere else. Just look at these people we see out there! You can see them coming! Look worse than my left overs from Thanksgiving. I could understand if it is just to make a little cash on the side, but to try to call it a career WTF? I was out with some buddies last week, both are managers in Pharma. and they totally ripped the cso's. They would never ever hire any of these people. But if you need to defend it and want to pretend it is a good job, then do it. Everyone knows the truth. I will keep my $130k Pharma job w AZ and you keep yours. I know 3 people on contract they all hate it and are very embarrassed. They cannot get anything else and can barely pay the bills.

Contract is for those that cannot get hired anywhere else. Just look at these people we see out there! You can see them coming! Look worse than my left overs from Thanksgiving. I could understand if it is just to make a little cash on the side, but to try to call it a career WTF? I was out with some buddies last week, both are managers in Pharma. and they totally ripped the cso's. They would never ever hire any of these people. But if you need to defend it and want to pretend it is a good job, then do it. Everyone knows the truth. I will keep my $130k Pharma job w AZ and you keep yours. I know 3 people on contract they all hate it and are very embarrassed. They cannot get anything else and can barely pay the bills.

With 50k plus pharma reps let go in 2010 and big pharma cutting back and not hiring reps will take a CSO opportunity if offered. I would agree that some CSO reps are not cut out for big pharma but not all. BTW there is no rep with AZ making 130k.

Contract is for those that cannot get hired anywhere else. Just look at these people we see out there! You can see them coming! Look worse than my left overs from Thanksgiving. I could understand if it is just to make a little cash on the side, but to try to call it a career WTF? I was out with some buddies last week, both are managers in Pharma. and they totally ripped the cso's. They would never ever hire any of these people. But if you need to defend it and want to pretend it is a good job, then do it. Everyone knows the truth. I will keep my $130k Pharma job w AZ and you keep yours. I know 3 people on contract they all hate it and are very embarrassed. They cannot get anything else and can barely pay the bills.

Why are you even on here posting comments? With your great job at AZ, I am surprised you would have the time or desire to bother posting on the inVentiv board. If contract reps are so pathetic, stay off our board. Get a life!

Contract is for those that cannot get hired anywhere else. Just look at these people we see out there! You can see them coming! Look worse than my left overs from Thanksgiving. I could understand if it is just to make a little cash on the side, but to try to call it a career WTF? I was out with some buddies last week, both are managers in Pharma. and they totally ripped the cso's. They would never ever hire any of these people. But if you need to defend it and want to pretend it is a good job, then do it. Everyone knows the truth. I will keep my $130k Pharma job w AZ and you keep yours. I know 3 people on contract they all hate it and are very embarrassed. They cannot get anything else and can barely pay the bills.

u are a fucking loser!

I have been on contract for about a year. I am not a loser! I could not get anyone to even call me, and never even one interview with the main companies. I know several friends who are still with these companies and they do make a ton of money compared to my package. I miss it and could use the extra money but I had to grab something to feed my kid. I will agree contract is not where to be and I am not real happy about it but it is something. I would give anything to be able to get a good job again like I had but it will never happen so a little money beats none. I am not proud or happy just getting by.

Hey assholes, of course none of us WANT to be a cso. Maybe that is the best we can do and they only job we can get. Ever think of that? Of course we dont like it, love it, feel proud to be in this position. I cant believe this is where i find myself but i could not get anything else. Nothing!

Did you people ever stop and think that maybe we enjoy working for about 1/2 of what we used to make? Of course we love it! It's something to be very proud of. Everyone wants to go backwards. you are Ass holes.

I have been on contract for about a year. I am not a loser! I could not get anyone to even call me, and never even one interview with the main companies. I know several friends who are still with these companies and they do make a ton of money compared to my package. I miss it and could use the extra money but I had to grab something to feed my kid. I will agree contract is not where to be and I am not real happy about it but it is something. I would give anything to be able to get a good job again like I had but it will never happen so a little money beats none. I am not proud or happy just getting by.

Aside from being a specialied rep the days of PC Big Pharma are gone. More and More companies are outsourcing their PC sales forces to CSO's. With that being said there will be good former Bigh Pharma Reps taking CSO jobs since that is what is available. Since so many companies have cut back recruiters and pharma companies alike can require very specific experience. You may be a Presidents Club winner but lack certain experience and you simply won't get an interview. The orgional poster if full of it and was more than likely one of those let go from Big Pharma and he too can't duplicate his compensation. He is probably sitting on a nice severance bashing anyone he can since he is bitter. Sooner or later when the severance dries up he will be applying for CSO jobs.

Aside from being a specialied rep the days of PC Big Pharma are gone. More and More companies are outsourcing their PC sales forces to CSO's. With that being said there will be good former Bigh Pharma Reps taking CSO jobs since that is what is available. Since so many companies have cut back recruiters and pharma companies alike can require very specific experience. You may be a Presidents Club winner but lack certain experience and you simply won't get an interview. The orgional poster if full of it and was more than likely one of those let go from Big Pharma and he too can't duplicate his compensation. He is probably sitting on a nice severance bashing anyone he can since he is bitter. Sooner or later when the severance dries up he will be applying for CSO jobs.

Loser cso settling for a low life loser job that everyone laughs at. Keep telling yourself that everyone is just like you and cant get a good job. You deserve to be where you are!

Re: Dont Take Contract. You will "Lost" respect of Everyone.

Oh My god. You are so right! You have made me realize what a real loser I am and how miserable my life is working for a CSO and only making $90,000 a year with my pitiful salary and below-standard bonus program. My piece of crap (free) company car is just an Impala and not a nice Toyota or Volvo like yours.

But really; you're right. I can't find a real pharma job anywhere because most companies have laid off hundreds and thousands of reps and they are all so much more qualified than I am. And since they're all out looking for jobs I'm stuck in this dead-end CSO job with no chance of getting a real pharma position.

I am definitely going to quit. Yes. You got to me. I'm quitting and encourage every CSO rep to join me and quit too. None of us should lower ourselves to such misery and self demeaning drudgery. That will show the cheap money-hungry CSOs. They won't have any employees and all of their contracts will end. That will show them!

But then what happens? The pharma companies that have all of the lost revenue that used to be generated by the CSO teams will fall short of their earnings. Wall Street will scream and investors will stop buying the pharma company stock. So what happens then? The pharma company must have a layoff to cut expenses. Now we have companies with products to sell but no one to sell them. They can't hire a sales team back because of the decreased revenues.

Well what do you know? How about if the pharma company goes out and hires a CSO? They price themselves cheaper than a pharma company can do it themselves. So that's it. Hire a CSO! And the great thing is, there are a ton of displaced highly qualified unemployed "big pharma" reps they can hire. None of those CSO losers.

So now the CSO is up and running and the pharma company is once again profitable. But hold on a minute. As we learned from the original poster, all CSO reps are now pathetic losers and should either quit their miserable underpaid job or endure the ridicule of the smarter, more highly-paid pharma reps. I think all CSO reps should all quit.

But wait . . . . .

Some of these comments are so unbelievable ignorant I can't believe I'm dignifying them with a response...

I am a former "big pharma rep" that is now a "CSO". Guess what? There is NO difference! Contract is not what it use to be. Most of us are experienced reps that just want to work and most of the jobs available happen to be contract (because this, my friend, is where the industry is going). I do ALL the same stuff the direct reps do (every contract is different, but the one I am on includes doing lunches, occassional programs, meetings, BS work, etc). Frankly, I wouldn't care if it did or didn't, I'm just glad to be working and I do my job well.

The pharmaceutical industry is changing and the rep job is not what it use to be. Many of you who post these hateful, ignorant, unsolicited comments just can't face facts and would like to believe you are worth more than you are and contribute more than you do. That's the only logical explanation for whatever chip you've got on your shoulder. You really have negative feelings about yourself and just project your frustration on to others. Well, get over it. Like any profession, there are good and bad reps, good and bad "CSO" reps. But in the end, we're all the same... the latter may be paid less, but also may have more opportunities for now since, again, this IS where the industry is going.

I have been on contract for about a year. I am not a loser! I could not get anyone to even call me, and never even one interview with the main companies. I know several friends who are still with these companies and they do make a ton of money compared to my package. I miss it and could use the extra money but I had to grab something to feed my kid. I will agree contract is not where to be and I am not real happy about it but it is something. I would give anything to be able to get a good job again like I had but it will never happen so a little money beats none. I am not proud or happy just getting by.

Holy fuck people. There are other industries out there. I came in from an outside and just finished 2 years on a contract. I will never stay in pharma. Why don't you all broaden your horizons and get into selling other things? You are all pathetic clinging on to any hope you have. It sucks and the pay is sub standard if you are a true sales person

I hate my contract position, but took it for the interim. Many of the other reps are doing the same. I did not have any luck getting hired by anyone else. Thank God I am not the provider or we would be on our asses. The money is horrible and i realize my days are very limited. each day i wake up is one less. I want a new job.

People why do you get on here and defend yourselves? I have read through this post and cannot believe how desperate many of you are. If you are proud of your job then be proud. I am now a teacher and many here are worse than my second graders. The truth is you cannot get past the fact you were fired and this is the best you can do. It sucks obviously. Proud happy people making tons of money dont have to post they are proud and happy and making tons of money. Get a life!