Don't cheat yourself- look at your 2020 W2


I am wondering just how desperate folks are to stay here? After reviewing my earnings for last year, I realized that despite my measly 3.5% salary increase to become a glorified TAM (which means doing a lot more for less money), I realized that I am making significantly less income than I have in prior years. Yes, I have always been a good employee and a solid performer and my GPMs reflect that.

I don't see this picture getting any better for all of us. It is sad to say that I fell victim to staying here and believing that this could still be a great gig- but I was scammed.

If you don't realize this by now, we all went through a massive downsize in an effort to prepare for things like MFN and limits on price increases and as a result, we have all been asked to do more and for way LESS PAY.

This is why I am leaving Genentech. I had to say something before I leave and yes, I have many great friends that are still here that I love and respect but who just don't want to admit what our leadership is doing. All the best- this was a great gig for a long time and I am sad I didn't see the truth earlier and take the package from the get go but I have too much pride and self esteem to continue to be a part of this SCAM called CEOF.

See you all on the other side!


1. Sorry to see you go and good luck.!!
2. Not a single person in this industry earned their paycheck this year. (Well if you consider drinking koolaid then maybe)
3. If you accepted this job for only 3.5% raise, shame on you for not having a back up in place.
4. Yes Genentech/Roche isn't changing fast enough and promises are not being kept.

I think that the OP point here is that none of us will ever make the same money we have in the past EVER again. I have many years where I have approached 85-100K in bonus alone and we will never see this again. This too was a concern of mine when we were fed that these jobs are bigger roles and would pay more- complete BS. Other companies are paying much better so if you can sell, you are killing yourself by staying here. I am starting my new search today!

This place will be gutted soon after seeing the low bonuses given this year. Say all you want, but many of us worked twice as hard during covid for a lot less and the writing on the wall is that it is going to get worse way before it gets better

1. Sorry to see you go and good luck.!!
2. Not a single person in this industry earned their paycheck this year. (Well if you consider drinking koolaid then maybe)
3. If you accepted this job for only 3.5% raise, shame on you for not having a back up in place.
4. Yes Genentech/Roche isn't changing fast enough and promises are not being kept.

Now is the time to just take the raise and play the game.