Don’t Sign Separation Package!

Class Action Lawsuit being prepared.

4-5 months of salary vs. settlement.

The separation package is a total lowball move. Only defense Genentech will have is coming up with a more fair package or face a jury. A jury full of John Q Public’s love to gouge Big Pharma. Hang in there!

Ok. Go on Fox News and tell the audience you’re “only getting 60k in the layoff” plus benefits. Report back to the forum.

Class Action Lawsuit being prepared.

4-5 months of salary vs. settlement.

The separation package is a total lowball move. Only defense Genentech will have is coming up with a more fair package or face a jury. A jury full of John Q Public’s love to gouge Big Pharma. Hang in there!

We are in the money now. We will sue and prevail.

Hired my own attorney Looking for six figure settlement and will get it.

I love How full of shit people are. “Hired my own attorney, 6 figure settlement and will get it” yeah ok. Guess what chump, I passed the bar exam and while I dont practice law anymore, there’s no way on earth you are getting a penny unless they discriminated against YOU and terminated your employment. You are an at will employee, and that means for ANY reason deemed fit for the organization to let you go they can and you have ZERO recourse. So, for starters, get over it. Second, move on. Third, stop bullshitting everyone.
