They certainly take care of the selected ones. You have past PC winners in the bottom tiers due to these ridiculous numbers. Maybe one of these guys will wake themselves from the bar stool and realize this when they begin or should I say continue to leave

Thats because everyone at the top has the I don't give a shit attitude.

Can someone post the march 2014 DOJ info that was discussed earlier in the thread? The stock has nearly fallen 50% from its $12 high..... Something very bad must be going on?

This certainly doesn't help coming from the CEO last quarter!
"We also reached an agreement in principle for a settlement of $6.4 million with the U.S. Department of Justice in connection with the Civil Investigative Demand that we received in 2011, subject to negotiation of a final agreement. We are looking forward to having this matter resolved.

Can someone post the march 2014 DOJ info that was discussed earlier in the thread? The stock has nearly fallen 50% from its $12 high..... Something very bad must be going on?

in addition, subpoenas from the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Bureau of Fraud Deterrence can't exactly help