Anonymous said:
Maybe they've discovered that the current IDTF model is going the way of the dodo.

The only reason it's in jeopardy is because of all the wanna be's who have dropped their monitoring fees to bargain basement pricing and are selling junk devices to doctors who are trying to make a quick buck.

This is so ignorant and one-sided. I'm not a physician, but I've seen this close up from the prospective of multiple private practice physicians across PCP, General Cardiology, and Invasive Cardiology.

If you're involved in this industry, you have to be smarter than this. You must realize that it costs money to provide quality healthcare. Especially in a time where many practices struggle to make profits too. You cannot expect a physician to invest their groups time and resources on this for a $26.08 professional reimbursement rate. You must realize how much easier it is to refer the patient to the local outpatient hospital lab/diagnostic center for a quick holter monitor than it is to deal with the time and hassles of this dying IDTF model from decades ago.

You must understand that most physicians AREN'T trying to get rich on these services; there's not enough money left for ANYONE to get rich! But you must realize that the time and resources involved for the physician greatly extend passed $26.08.

Let me remind you of what's involved for the physician:

added time explaining the monitor, patient enrollment, added calls from the monitoring center and patient (if after hours is ~$1/call to an answering service; where one call in-bound and another call to inform the physician counts as two calls), daily faxes, time looking and signing faxes mixed in with other faxed lab results, scanning everything into a patients EMR chart, calls from the patient wanting to disconnect the monitor early (again if after hours costs ~$2/each time), reviewing results and signing off, billing the charge and paying 5% to your third party biller, paying $1+ to mail the patient a statement for any balance owed, paying another 2-3% for merchant (credit card) processing of any balance, and finally scanning the study result into the patients EMR chart.

Compared with telling the patient they'll have a 48Hour holter monitor and electronically faxing the order right from the physicians EMR Laptop directly to the outpatient diagnostic/lab center affiliated with the local hospital with one click. Imagine the savings on physician labor, staff labor, resources, aggravation, time, and other third-party vendor costs.

This is why Home Sleep Study monitoring companies provide the physicians $60 per study.

They didn't need to post a link for me to find the information - I would have posted a link here but then it would make it too easy for idiots like you to find it for yourself. Does your mommy still wipe your butt for you too?

I love when A_dy, or more likely K_n, get on this site. If they actually spent time doing their jobs, like getting product for the sales force, instead of being on this site the stock wouldn't be in the toilet. I think P. C_sey, D. C_rson, or J.R. Tolkien would make better VPs of Sales... Why do people insist on bringing in other companies garbage to be the VP of sales and VP of marketing....

This is funny! K_n has always been a joke. JC had to of been blinded when bringing him on. DC as VP. That's even funnier. He can't even manage a team. Bring back LG and let her, PC, and JR run this place.

You are living in a dream world if you think LG, PC or JR have what it takes to run this place. KN has the right vision but his efforts are constantly minimized by those above him who can't get a forecast right to save their lives or bring new products to market in a timely manner - not to mention UJ and her team of keystone cops who couldn't beat a lab rat out of a maze.

You are living in a dream world if you think LG, PC or JR have what it takes to run this place. KN has the right vision but his efforts are constantly minimized by those above him who can't get a forecast right to save their lives or bring new products to market in a timely manner - not to mention UJ and her team of keystone cops who couldn't beat a lab rat out of a maze.

Someone actually drinking KN koolaid?!. I would gladly go head to head w any company having LG, PC, and JR steering the ship

KN has great tasting koolaid because it is not kid flavored! He's not the one to point fingers at - he is on our side, he has people to answer to and they are not easy to please.

You should go jump on that other ship so the rest of us can watch you sink with your captains.

KN has great tasting koolaid because it is not kid flavored! He's not the one to point fingers at - he is on our side, he has people to answer to and they are not easy to please.

You should go jump on that other ship so the rest of us can watch you sink with your captains.

Why don't you climb a tad further up his ass and clean the corn kernels out. His koolaid is only flavored with captain morgans based on his performance the past 2 years

His performance over the last 2 years pretty much makes him the best thing that has happened to this company in the past 10 years. We were a sinking ship before he got here so I don't really care what he puts in his koolaid because he is putting money in my pocket and taking this company in the right direction. Maybe you have a few too many corn kernel lodged up your ass and need to take a good dump to relieve some of your stress

His performance over the last 2 years pretty much makes him the best thing that has happened to this company in the past 10 years. We were a sinking ship before he got here so I don't really care what he puts in his koolaid because he is putting money in my pocket and taking this company in the right direction. Maybe you have a few too many corn kernel lodged up your ass and need to take a good dump to relieve some of your stress

Read from a previous poster. Your Captain Morgan along with Tennille have yet to do a DAMN thing since his arrival. Proving the point that your ass is further than I thought. Every purchase Tennille has made has yet to provide a positive return and your Captain has done nothing increasing the overall profit. I would suggest carrying a bucket around so that you can catch the next bowel movement from Captain Morgan

The company, on the basis of change in net income from the same quarter one year ago, has significantly underperformed when compared to that of the S&P 500 and the Health Care Providers & Services industry. The net income has significantly decreased by 97.5% when compared to the same quarter one year ago, falling from -$2.09 million to -$4.12 million.
Net operating cash flow has significantly decreased to -$2.06 million or 224.32% when compared to the same quarter last year. In addition, when comparing to the industry average, the firm's growth rate is much lower.
The return on equity has improved slightly when compared to the same quarter one year prior. This can be construed as a modest strength in the organization. Compared to other companies in the Health Care Providers & Services industry and the overall market, BIOTELEMETRY INC's return on equity significantly trails that of both the industry average and the S&P 500.
The gross profit margin for BIOTELEMETRY INC is rather high; currently it is at 63.80%. Regardless of BEAT's high profit margin, it has managed to decrease from the same period last year. Despite the mixed results of the gross profit margin, BEAT's net profit margin of -11.09% significantly underperformed when compared to the industry average.
BIOTELEMETRY INC has experienced a steep decline in earnings per share in the most recent quarter in comparison to its performance from the same quarter a year ago. This company has reported somewhat volatile earnings recently. But, we feel it is poised for EPS growth in the coming year. During the past fiscal year, BIOTELEMETRY INC continued to lose money by earning -$0.29 versus -$0.48 in the prior year. This year, the market expects an improvement in earnings (-$0.14 versus -$0.29).
BioTelemetry, Inc. provides cardiac monitoring, cardiac monitoring device manufacturing, and cardiac core laboratory services. It operates in three segments: Patient Services, Product, and Research Services. BioTelemetry has a market cap of $193.7 million and is part of the health care sector and health services industry. Shares are down 7.6% year to date as of the close of trading on Tuesday.

Impressive ability to cut and paste.

Stock price is still 3 times what it was last year at this time and was most likely over-valued toward the end of last year.

The company is still light years ahead of where it was when TS was driving the train and the new Aetna/Coventry contract will provide a lot of fuel for the fire.

Impressive ability to cut and paste.

Stock price is still 3 times what it was last year at this time and was most likely over-valued toward the end of last year.

The company is still light years ahead of where it was when TS was driving the train and the new Aetna/Coventry contract will provide a lot of fuel for the fire.

You call this 3x? What a tool. Keep chugging the ass juice

Jul 26, 2013 5.83 5.93 5.62 5.82 353,600 5.82

Emails with false accomplishments are not cutting it anymore. Most of us see through the BS. Remember all the 2013 accomplishments? Which ones actually were accomplishments?
Quotas were KN time to shine and hit his numbers. Quotas are the one thing to motivate the salesforce and they missed. PClub should have been a sprint to the end. Six months to go and its anyones chance (well almost anyone). How many actually have growth Jan-June? Not many, most are very flat but were set up in Jan. Now they lowered most of them, who does that! Reps 20th down are are just going to maintain in order to set up for next year, (NO motivation for 50 down). Top 30 should have at least had a slim chance, but maintaining is name of the game for the rest of the year. Sorry KN you missed this one big time.

Anyone who kicked ass in the last half of last year basically set themselves to fail in the first six months of this year except for a select few. Dumbest basis for a quota I have ever seen.

They certainly take care of the selected ones. You have past PC winners in the bottom tiers due to these ridiculous numbers. Maybe one of these guys will wake themselves from the bar stool and realize this when they begin or should I say continue to leave