That's really a dumb question to ask - especially in a forum like this. The only people who know when and how it will be settled are the attorneys from the DOJ an I'm pretty sure they aren't going to respond to you here.

Wow... Someone left their tampon in a little too long. You have to be a completely ignorant "cherry" to not think someone has an idea. Everyone has a confidant....That's my free tip of the night for you..... Now go back to hiding under your bridge.

Tip for the evening.."everyone has a confidant". Anyway, the question still stands. The DOJ obviously is still looking around. Someone ought to have heard something?

What losers have nothing better to do at 1230am than read CP posts? Stop worrying about things that are out of your control and focus on signing up a few ED's and INR accounts so we can afford to pay the fine when it is handed down.

You would be lucky just to get a sniff of one of my tampons

yes 930pm west coast time would indicate even more of a loser with nothing better to do on a Saturday night. At least I was up early enough for a healthy breakfast and trip to the gym and home in time to go to church where I prayed for your sorry life to get better

yes 930pm west coast time would indicate even more of a loser with nothing better to do on a Saturday night. At least I was up early enough for a healthy breakfast and trip to the gym and home in time to go to church where I prayed for your sorry life to get better
Glad you made it to the gym. You seem a little queer. I bet you are such a stud you were focused on the football drafts? Were you going crazy with your boyfriend during 3rd day with all the other g*ys.

The only reason it's in jeopardy is because of all the wanna be's who have dropped their monitoring fees to bargain basement pricing and are selling junk devices to doctors who are trying to make a quick buck.

What losers have nothing better to do at 1230am than read CP posts? Stop worrying about things that are out of your control and focus on signing up a few ED's and INR accounts so we can afford to pay the fine when it is handed down.

You would be lucky just to get a sniff of one of my tampons

I love when A_dy, or more likely K_n, get on this site. If they actually spent time doing their jobs, like getting product for the sales force, instead of being on this site the stock wouldn't be in the toilet. I think P. C_sey, D. C_rson, or J.R. Tolkien would make better VPs of Sales... Why do people insist on bringing in other companies garbage to be the VP of sales and VP of marketing....

AA meetings for executive and RSD leadership would be a good start... Not sure how any intelligent decisions can be made while in a fog. And "No" A_Broadass, the 12th step is not to drink so excessively that you can't control your subordinates from making lude comments to his female directors or from intimidating reps and RSDs that don't subscribe to the number's favoritism. Turds.

I love when A_dy, or more likely K_n, get on this site. If they actually spent time doing their jobs, like getting product for the sales force, instead of being on this site the stock wouldn't be in the toilet. I think P. C_sey, D. C_rson, or J.R. Tolkien would make better VPs of Sales... Why do people insist on bringing in other companies garbage to be the VP of sales and VP of marketing....

A huge AMEN with this post. Talk about spot on. Here you have someone in the leadership position that has been fired TWICE. If he and others would spend more time trying to come up with solutions rather than margaritas, our stock might be above the $7.00 range. Their problem is it's always 5:00 somewhere

One of the RSDs told me with HCA that K. N_lson is pretty worthless and to NEVER bring him into a hospital account if you can help it (for one he offers little value and two he wants to pretend to be the rep, cutting you out of future communication with the account). It appears that he's too busy doing JR's job for him, telling people that he doesn't want JR involved in certain hospital accounts ....younger sibling complex?

One of the RSDs told me with HCA that K. N_lson is pretty worthless and to NEVER bring him into a hospital account if you can help it (for one he offers little value and two he wants to pretend to be the rep, cutting you out of future communication with the account). It appears that he's too busy doing JR's job for him, telling people that he doesn't want JR involved in certain hospital accounts ....younger sibling complex?

When Mr Wonderful came to this company, the stock certainly grew. I'm sure he told all of his after hour buddies how suddenly he became the cardiac savior. Look at it now!!!!!! What has he or anybody done to provide solutions to any of the problems? NADA. Yet he continues to sell the god awful ED platform to everyone that will listen. Everyone should be demanding solutions rather than the weekly excuses.

Maybe a few more ranking reports would help or perhaps some re-hashed updates on our milestones and how far we have come thanks to our partnerships. Has anyone even heard of Airstrip in the last 9 months? Blah blah blah.

Actions speak louder than words.