
I can always count on you to be on here boasting how great you are and how you have so many opportunities that you are just turning down every single day. All those 50k opportunities selling allergy cream for kids with eczema, oh please tell us again how you were presidents club in 2006, we love hearing that riveting story. Loser go pick up panera for fat nancy the receptionist before you lose the one account that is still actually using Ofirmev.

...And we can always count on you to leave a reply message back. It's so comical yet so predictable. We all love our regular pay checks here and suggest you go and find a job. Don't think you're even qualified for your "Panera" but at least you can try. The sad thing is that you don't even realize how so lowly pathetic you are. Trolling this board and don't even work here. Go get a life you douchebag.