
when is HSS supposed to star selling these new products.
I'm sure they are putting together a training plan, but when do we get actual sales responsibility.

I spit out my morning coffee reading this! I'm certain they are putting together a 'training plan'.
HAHAHAHA!!!! Good one
Training plan..... Just like all their other stellar plans. (Damn it, have to go clean up my coffee)

Ok, really how bad is this product space. Is Raplixa really a sucky product.

Let's all be realistic here. The products will only be helpful IF they are less expensive than the competition. I agree with others and I also have surveyed many of my surgeons. Those that even use similiar products say they will only go with the least expensive one as it isn't a priority with so many other cost consuming drugs they utilize. EVERYONE I have spoken to says they will go through pharmacy and not materials management. This puts us at a huge disadvantage because they do not want us in there talking about OFIRMEV. The only tactic at this point would be that these products are lower than what they have now which may help with access towards growing OFIRMEV. The likelihood of Mallinckrodt being that smart is slim to none.
If the products are even $1 higher than what they use now, you can pretty much say it will be a lost cause. In the end, if these products are more expensive it will actually make OFIRMEV sales worse because price is that big of an issue. People like MM are clueless in the real world and don't realize that it is a domino effect. Mallinckrodt is already hated because of its high prices and the hospitals already feel gouged. Really think about this. Do you think for one second that a hospital is going to approve these new drugs if they are more expensive than what they use now? Absolutely not. These aren't life saving agents and there are plenty, plenty of alternatives. This had disaster written all over it. They are just too stupid to see it.

I wish someone would start bitching about something, anything!!!!
This board is loosing steam.
I know there are plenty out there that are miserable with work and personal lives that have something negative to say.
As the late great Sam Kinison would say.
SAY IT!!!!!

I wish someone would start bitching about something, anything!!!!
This board is loosing steam.
I know there are plenty out there that are miserable with work and personal lives that have something negative to say.
As the late great Sam Kinison would say.
SAY IT!!!!!

Ummmm. You're a freak. Now go away.

You mean you didn't learn enough from this thread on the new products already.
What part of Run for the Hills don't you understand!!!!!!!

The issue isn't that they didn't understand its that the only people left have no where to go. Who wants to hire a has been never was rep who barely survived but has 15+ years of experience calling on family doctors that was promoted to the hospital sales team and has done nothing but make excuses on why they can't get Ofirmev (which is a great drug) used? Maybe if they tried buying Panera for the interviewer it would go over better but hey since thats all they know and thats not what the interviewer is looking for, they are screwed.

The issue isn't that they didn't understand its that the only people left have no where to go. Who wants to hire a has been never was rep who barely survived but has 15+ years of experience calling on family doctors that was promoted to the hospital sales team and has done nothing but make excuses on why they can't get Ofirmev (which is a great drug) used? Maybe if they tried buying Panera for the interviewer it would go over better but hey since thats all they know and thats not what the interviewer is looking for, they are screwed.[/QUOTE

LOL for the last time you pea brain OSS idiot who is disgruntled, over medicated, and can't find another job, GO AWAY LOSER!

The issue isn't that they didn't understand its that the only people left have no where to go. Who wants to hire a has been never was rep who barely survived but has 15+ years of experience calling on family doctors that was promoted to the hospital sales team and has done nothing but make excuses on why they can't get Ofirmev (which is a great drug) used? Maybe if they tried buying Panera for the interviewer it would go over better but hey since thats all they know and thats not what the interviewer is looking for, they are screwed.[/QUOTE

LOL for the last time you pea brain OSS idiot who is disgruntled, over medicated, and can't find another job, GO AWAY LOSER!

I can always count on you to be on here boasting how great you are and how you have so many opportunities that you are just turning down every single day. All those 50k opportunities selling allergy cream for kids with eczema, oh please tell us again how you were presidents club in 2006, we love hearing that riveting story. Loser go pick up panera for fat nancy the receptionist before you lose the one account that is still actually using Ofirmev.