Does Takeda hate civil rights for African Americans?

There is no element of superiority. Only the desire to maintain historical and cultural precedent. That makes it inherently not racism by definition. Of course liberals see racism in everything so this is moot.

There is no element of superiority. Only the desire to maintain historical and cultural precedent. That makes it inherently not racism by definition. Of course liberals see racism in everything so this is moot.

listen dumb shit. If Virginia stands by segregation and its original cultural precedent, what the hell do you think would happen? Just because takeda is a Japanese company do you think they have the right to stand by their cultural precedent? What if Germany felt the same way today. Takeda has no business being in America unless it gets its ass together

There is no element of superiority. Only the desire to maintain historical and cultural precedent. That makes it inherently not racism by definition. Of course liberals see racism in everything so this is moot.

Im pretty sure a KKK member wrote this. Either that or a total dipshit.

REMINDER-Japan bombed the US. And we dropped 2 nukes on their punk asses. Japan will always lose when it tries to infiltrate the US

listen dumb shit. If Virginia stands by segregation and its original cultural precedent, what the hell do you think would happen? Just because takeda is a Japanese company do you think they have the right to stand by their cultural precedent? What if Germany felt the same way today. Takeda has no business being in America unless it gets its ass together

No, you listen fuckwad. Japan, the sovereign nation, is free to make any laws regarding immigration in their country they wish. TPNA hires blacks, gays, muslims jews. It is a company doing business in the US. You are too busy being an outraged and offended millenial douche to separate the difference between the two that your fragile feelings affect your ability to have a coherent argument. Fuck your feelings.

If you are not smart enough to take a vacation day to honor your beliefs then you deserve to be fired. End of story. This thread should have never happened. Please take your insanity somewhere else. You are STUPID!

If you are not smart enough to take a vacation day to honor your beliefs then you deserve to be fired. End of story. This thread should have never happened. Please take your insanity somewhere else. You are STUPID!

now you’re saying because I’m not white, I’m stupid? What kind of people work at this company?