It did years ago. Is it any better? Your ceo is a real winner (wink wink).
Is that you Babba Gnenush?Of course Sanofi sucks and the quality of reps there does too: fat, dumpy, divorced house fraus and tired old men are the norm. Very few with talent stay at Sanofi Oncology. Sanofi reps are lazy and love the low-pressure gig with mangers who are the dumbest in the industry.
HR is evil. Pushing a fake “play to win” culture that promotes toxicity and quiet quitting.[/QUOTE
Try working on DUP. You want to talk toxicity? It’s disgusting.
It did years ago. Is it any better? Your ceo is a real winner (wink wink).
HR is evil. Pushing a fake “play to win” culture that promotes toxicity and quiet quitting.
straight r. kellyin’ foolsWell said: PTW = 'Pee on The Workers'
When you think its one thing, its your mother.This place is a waste land. Morally bankrupt. If not for Dupi and Regen, they would close the doors. Douche bag leadership defines Sanofee.
That’s a fly ass mondegreenWhen you think it’s one thing, it’s your mother.
It did years ago. Is it any better? Your ceo is a real winner (wink wink).
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