Does Sanofi still suck?

In the ninties, Deheq took multiple successful companies, most less than 1000 reps i.e. Aventis, and formed a lumbering autocracy of 10000 reps and tried to run it from top down from Paris. Shoulda named it Clusterfriggen Pharma.
Everyone on the bottom could see they must Embrace the Lie or My way or the highway. Sounds like nothing has changed.

Of course Sanofi sucks and the quality of reps there does too: fat, dumpy, divorced house fraus and tired old men are the norm. Very few with talent stay at Sanofi Oncology. Sanofi reps are lazy and love the low-pressure gig with mangers who are the dumbest in the industry.

Of course Sanofi sucks and the quality of reps there does too: fat, dumpy, divorced house fraus and tired old men are the norm. Very few with talent stay at Sanofi Oncology. Sanofi reps are lazy and love the low-pressure gig with mangers who are the dumbest in the industry.
Is that you Babba Gnenush?