Does Inventiv OWE you $$$?


My RBD (he is in san diego) mandated work hours are 8-6 (10 hour day) with 9 calls per day, however our paychecks read 40 hours.. Overtime is owed to all of us on this sanofi contract.

Why are you listening to your RBM anyway. You should be working 10-3 what is your problem these jobs with contracts companies should not be that hard and you should be able to bang at 9 calls in less then 4 hours. Your RBM sounds like a real douche make up your own hours come on this shit is not rocket science or surgery.

Why are you listening to your RBM anyway. You should be working 10-3 what is your problem these jobs with contracts companies should not be that hard and you should be able to bang at 9 calls in less then 4 hours. Your RBM sounds like a real douche make up your own hours come on this shit is not rocket science or surgery.

!0-3?? Are you out of your fucking mind? I only work 10-2 on Tues and Thurs no way I work harder than that for this shithole

Why are you listening to your RBM anyway. You should be working 10-3 what is your problem these jobs with contracts companies should not be that hard and you should be able to bang at 9 calls in less then 4 hours. Your RBM sounds like a real douche make up your own hours come on this shit is not rocket science or surgery.

Not sure why and how these RBMs and RBDs have jobs... Total tools. Never listen to your inventiv RBM/RBD.. The only job they have is to go back to the client showing them bullshit numbers and sell all the underlings out to get more contracts.

Have you sent a demand for payment letter by certified mail to the dir of HR to get your money?

And what happens, when HR is in on it too? I have all signed documentation saying they owe me money. I have produced the document ion and they still have not paid me the money that is due to me. What now?

I am reporting them to the Labor Board, but that won't get my money paid to me.

And what happens, when HR is in on it too? I have all signed documentation saying they owe me money. I have produced the document ion and they still have not paid me the money that is due to me. What now?

I am reporting them to the Labor Board, but that won't get my money paid to me.

also -- you should have received monthly reports indicating any time off / sick time taken.. use that as well.. good luck.. they are great to work for until the contract ends..

Why are you listening to your RBM anyway. You should be working 10-3 what is your problem these jobs with contracts companies should not be that hard and you should be able to bang at 9 calls in less then 4 hours. Your RBM sounds like a real douche make up your own hours come on this shit is not rocket science or surgery.


Do they still have the vacation policy in place where you basically can't bank any days even in the same year? Basically, company wouldn't allow but minimal number of days banked, so if you waited till December to use all vacation days and contract cancelled, company only had to pay out half the days unused ..

Just file a small claims court case. I did this with publicis. They said they would pay extra bonus if you were above quota sales. Then they just all gave us full bonus like we all hot quota. Great, but those with better numbers like me felt screwed. My contract ended and I never saw my sales numbers from them but I new my embedded numbers from the major pharma I was under contract with. I was only 5% above quota so they owed me money. So I just did small claims and got my numbers and my money. Worked easy. Handled through their layers calling me and doing it over the phone.

Small claims is the easiest way to beat the big boys.