Does InVentiv have any new contracts?


Any new contract about to start?

We were just sent an announcement that we signed a huge commercial deal with a "top 10" pharma company. This company has 40 mature brands and we're entering into a risk share agreement with them. In other words, we'll have almost complete autonomy over the marketing and sales of these products. Don't know the company for sure but you can guess...most of those brands will probably not be sold directly to docs by reps (digital/web, pharmacy programs, manged market deals etc.), but some will. We have so many companies that we're an obvious choice for deals like this (marketing, PR, communications, ad agencies like GWS, etc.). Very encouraging...stay tuned.

Does this mean a new contract?

Who knows, it could...from what Paul's announcement said it appears we've won the deal. It's a risk share deal which means we'd make the decisions on how to promote the products (web, digital, pharmacy programs etc.). If any of them have enough life maybe they'd put some reps on those products. It'llprobably be a little while before we hear but it's encouraging for sure.

We were just sent an announcement that we signed a huge commercial deal with a "top 10" pharma company. This company has 40 mature brands and we're entering into a risk share agreement with them. In other words, we'll have almost complete autonomy over the marketing and sales of these products. Don't know the company for sure but you can guess...most of those brands will probably not be sold directly to docs by reps (digital/web, pharmacy programs, manged market deals etc.), but some will. We have so many companies that we're an obvious choice for deals like this (marketing, PR, communications, ad agencies like GWS, etc.). Very encouraging...stay tuned.

Sounds like it may be with Pfizer. It has many mature brands with the recent acquisitions of
King and with near LOE products.