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Does anyone ever really think pharmaceutical sales is stressful?


Does anyone ever really think pharmaceutical sales is stressful? It is probably the lowest stress job I have ever had. I almost never see my boss, have no strict quotas, I only have to make 10 calls a day and I basically make my own schedule. What about this job makes it stressful for some people?

WELL, where to start....
bosses with no idea of what is going on
co workers that are slackers
poa meetings that are a waste of time
ivory tower mentality
kool aid drinking brown nosers
does that start to answer your question?

WELL, where to start....
bosses with no idea of what is going on
co workers that are slackers
poa meetings that are a waste of time
ivory tower mentality
kool aid drinking brown nosers
does that start to answer your question?
No, have you ever done any other type of sales or worked in an office? Everything bad thing in pharmaceuticals is 10X worse there.

WELL, where to start....
bosses with no idea of what is going on
co workers that are slackers
poa meetings that are a waste of time
ivory tower mentality
kool aid drinking brown nosers
does that start to answer your question?

Those things are stressful to you? LOL
You should try working for a boss who DOES have an idea of what's going on, or co-workers who are really go-getters and always fucking with you to do "above and beyond" type crap, or POA meetings where something is really accomplished.
Then come back here and talk about stress.

It is not stressful, it is more BullShit tha anything else. You get stresse about the bullshit paperwork,meetings, dinners and podmates. Thats what stresses you out.

It is not stressful, it is more BullShit tha anything else. You get stresse about the bullshit paperwork,meetings, dinners and podmates. Thats what stresses you out.
I agree with this completely...this job is all about lies and deception...It is one big charade...I think it eats away at your soul more than a normal job would...(By normal, I mean one where you worked harder, and people actually cared if you showed up or not...)

I started in it a long time ago...It has totally gone into the toilet...Too many greedy, unethical managers running the show...

I can hardly wait to get laid off quite frankly...

You can only get stressed out about this dumbass job if you take it too seriously.

It is bullshit and lies all the time, but you need to just play along with all of the games and get paid. It can be stressful if you really have a good set of ethics and you let all the lies and bullshit get to you.

If you are a scuzzy piece of shit like management then being a rep. for a pharma company won't phase you at all.

I personally do the bare minimum to keep my DM off my back. Stay under the radar and try to control the amount of bullshit thrown your way. Yes, there is a lot of bullshit that you can't control, but that exists in every job.

I was a mortgage broker back in the 90's that was so much more stressful than pharma. Before that I did high tech sales in Palo Alto. Did copier sales to pay my way through college. All were much much more stressful than anything I have seen in this job.

You are a salaried employee with a high base. Imagine working for full commission where if you didn't sell anything you make nothing. Now that's stress. This job is not stressful.

Of course some of the people in this industry think the job is stressful. Why? Some of them are more cut out to be stay at home Mom's and elementary school teachers. Hell, most reps did not take any tough business or science courses in college either.

I have a micro Dm. I sell injectables that aren't covered well. I work a 4 hr radius and now we have metrics which means lying every fucking day. Tons of admin work that doesn't help your #'s...all this adds up to stress, every single day. BTW, I have two kids and my wife is unemployed...

I agree with this completely...this job is all about lies and deception...It is one big charade...I think it eats away at your soul more than a normal job would...(By normal, I mean one where you worked harder, and people actually cared if you showed up or not...)

I started in it a long time ago...It has totally gone into the toilet...Too many greedy, unethical managers running the show...

I can hardly wait to get laid off quite frankly...

caroline ten eyck from novo nordisk is one of the greedy managers! Stay far away. She has the highest turnover rate in california!

I have to agree with posts that the lying is what make this job so stressful. We have become an industry of selling to metrics and not the Doctors or hospital. The reality is a person's numbers don't have to be that great but if their metrics looks good usually they are under the radar. I have seen a person who was over quota on all products but about 80% of their metrics, . be put on a plan. My question is what are we here to do. Move market share. Should it matter if your metrics are not at 100% if you numbers are. Metrics Now rule in the pharma industry.

The job can be boring when you have to visit the same office two or three times a week. What possibly can I say to a doctor that many times in one week.

If you are really getting away with not working for 2 months...more power to you

I came to Pharma from devices which is usually the opposite direction. Being in devices is always worrying about who is going to buy or implant what you have and trying to get VISA cards out of those dr.s who are so stupid. The worst thing is those part time housewife office managers whose universe is about as big as their backyard at home making revenue decisions for the practice. I had a device that cost $5k and made about an average of $400.00 each time the doc used it. On training day we would do about ten patients that they could bill on and basically pay the device off on day one. The general response was " That seems really expensive". Shit let me buy something for 5K that I could ring up for 400 bones everytime I turned it on. In Pharma I have all the access I did not have before and I get 20 seconds with these doc's who don't seem to give a shit. It's easy but I can see anyone who wants to feel like they are making a difference is wasting their time in Pharma. It's perfect for those high end women that think their shit does not stink and think that they are really providing something everyone really needs. Honey believe me as soon as the large Hospital groups who are now starting to employ all the Internal and Primary Care doc's get a hold of the specialists in their grips they will own everything. In my area Providence runs the biggest Hospitals and insures a third of all covered lives in PDX. When they complete the trifecta of owning the doc's, facilities and have their hand in the insurance biz you will not be invited in to tell their Robot doc's anything. All formulary decisions will be on a corportate level with the government in lockstep. Sieg Heil to corporate Healthcare.

I’ve sold device, software, life science, equipment leasing and more.
Pharma is by far the least stressful gig I've ever had.

As long as you get out of bed every day, you are going to make at least 80k on average with a nice 401k and a car with a gas card. Should be able to pay some bills on that.

However, the thing is as others have already mentioned,,,you burn out on the stupidity of the position after a couple of years. And making matters worse, you then watch in horror as the guys who took the low base salaries with companies outside of pharma are blowing by your earnings and getting promoted based on performance.....which you realize will never happen to you because you checked out mentally after two years of pharma.

So, your answer is........NO, pharma is not stressful. The people who complain about spreadsheets and stress over numbers are simply underachievers, and most likely have been complainers accustomed to losing their entire lives....