Does anyone actually LIKE their DM?

I know for a fact that many posts are by management impersonating DMs and RDs etc. This is a litigation-proof means to convey their concerns and warnings to the masses. As an attorney I love this approach.

This is a fact. As a HR admin I read c-f for amusement. But I have heard my boss commenting on the stuff on this site. She is a higher up manager in the Personnel Dept and meets regularly with corporrate elite.

My DM always says its him. He never won anything but thinks he knows everything about sales because he is a Manager. What a waste! I'm looking to get out of here, several interviews coming up. I just want to move out of Pa and get away from his negativity.

My DM always says its him. He never won anything but thinks he knows everything about sales because he is a Manager. What a waste! I'm looking to get out of here, several interviews coming up. I just want to move out of Pa and get away from his negativity.

Consider teaching. Especially biosciences as you are in pharma. They love people from pharma as we have real world experience. I have retooled myself as a high school bio teacher and am doing very well. Have 3 months off in summer, 24 sick days, a generous teachers union pension, and 24 sick days a year. Best gig is that I work only 6 hours a day. Give it some consideration my friend because theres nothing worse than an over the hill old timer sales rep.

Consider teaching. Especially biosciences as you are in pharma. They love people from pharma as we have real world experience. I have retooled myself as a high school bio teacher and am doing very well. Have 3 months off in summer, 24 sick days, a generous teachers union pension, and 24 sick days a year. Best gig is that I work only 6 hours a day. Give it some consideration my friend because theres nothing worse than an over the hill old timer sales rep.

Intereseting to read your post as I casually scan C-Ph to see whats doing at my former employer. I also went into education a year ago, my wife is a teacher and she convinced me to change careers from a beaten down rep with zero job security to a phys-Ed teacher. I had already been coaching little league so the change was quite easy. I gave up salary from my rep days. I now have a base of $60k but I get OT for the coaching activities and generous benefits. I believe my pension is superior and also has a COLA. I plan to get a Masters in Ed. Downside is I have to pay 1% union dues. That's probably lost money but maybe the union here can get us a better contract next time.

Hard working DM, no such thing. Position is a joke.

Life is a joke, but you do what you must do, and you have to do it well. No time to complain. Enjoy your labor and pitch a tent with your Creator. That is our lot in life. If you want to be a rebel, go ahead, and then you end up a bitter, old fool.