Does anyone actually LIKE their DM?

Ya, HR is going after us. Most of the crap on this site is made up to evoke a reaction from people like you. If someone was posting true insider information (a crime) then the authorities might work with this site and the company to ID the poster. Short of that nobody will ever do anything.
I'm sick of the jackass(es) who post as the senior DM, RD, or HR Manager. Man you guys must have no life. You are so starved for power and recognition you pretend to be a person with position power. If you were really a DM or RD you would realize you have no real power. DM's and RD's follow direction - they don't set it. Only myopic sales people think DM's and RD's have any real influence within the Company.
Give it a rest. Please. Man you guys are truly mentally ill.

I am a manager. Yes a DM. You must be a non ACtavis employee to post this disloyal of BS. As s DM I have a lot of power. Literally all my reps depend on me and I can greatly influince there success or failure. To insinuate that a DM or RD is powerless is redickulous. Yes we do not makepolicy that's done incorporate with the RDs but we implement it. You don't get it. If there are some posters who misrrpresentthrir title aim sure it'd very very few. Mort here are legit. I have heard from HR about the faking of calls. It is a brest concern. You must be a denier of the truth.

I am a manager. Yes a DM. You must be a non ACtavis employee to post this disloyal of BS. As s DM I have a lot of power. Literally all my reps depend on me and I can greatly influince there success or failure. To insinuate that a DM or RD is powerless is redickulous. Yes we do not makepolicy that's done incorporate with the RDs but we implement it. You don't get it. If there are some posters who misrrpresentthrir title aim sure it'd very very few. Mort here are legit. I have heard from HR about the faking of calls. It is a brest concern. You must be a denier of the truth.

And that ,ladies and gentlemen , are the quality thoughts you get from an idiot who posts at 1am. Remember folks, nothing good ever happens past midnight, and stay off the hootch, son.

What is up with all this "35% fake calls". 35% of calls had forged siggies? Then those reps should've been canned a long time ago instead of waiting for the "next round". Why are they still around if the 35% fake calls amounts to fake siggies?

As an HR manager I can state emphatically that we are not able to control the inflation in false calls. Investigations in April indicated 35% were fake. Now we see posts of reps claiming 80% range. Our receipt trail confirms an upspike in fake calls to at least 50%. Until new management steps in and empowers us our hands are tied. Cannot fire anyone without legal approval. I see a free-for-all of fake call records in the short term. Disgusting.

80% fake calls…WOW! My fake calls are much lower than that, somewhere around 70%, and on a real good day, 50%. It's just the nature of the beast now. I would gladly make more, but access is horrible. I do my best, BUT, I also have kids to pick up on most days at 3 PM. It's just the way it is.

I am a manager. Yes a DM. You must be a non ACtavis employee to post this disloyal of BS. As s DM I have a lot of power. Literally all my reps depend on me and I can greatly influince there success or failure. To insinuate that a DM or RD is powerless is redickulous. Yes we do not makepolicy that's done incorporate with the RDs but we implement it. You don't get it. If there are some posters who misrrpresentthrir title aim sure it'd very very few. Mort here are legit. I have heard from HR about the faking of calls. It is a brest concern. You must be a denier of the truth.

DM? With power? Prove it...

All Past Forest DMs are TOOLBAGS! Which ones have done anything but for themselves? Any Dm that has interviewed with another company has been demoted to a rep. Please ,save us the old war stories about how hard you work and don't blame your reps! YOU are the problem and have no clue on how to sell without speaker programs! A Bunch of Box checkers that gargle Jerrys Balls in there mouths! BAH! HA HA HA

As a FUSTRATED DM yes we are hounded by senior management to REDUCE the number of fake calls. There was an INDEPENDENT investigation last spring which uncovered a systemic pattern of faking calls. The report stated that upwards of 35% yes 35% are FAKE ! ! ! ! Yes we cannot get over that. You dishonest, unethical, amoral reps who are responsible for this should be fired immediately.

Who do you think taught us how to?? THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DM'S NOW YOU USELESS TWAT WAFFLE

As an HR manager I can state emphatically that we are not able to control the inflation in false calls. Investigations in April indicated 35% were fake. Now we see posts of reps claiming 80% range. Our receipt trail confirms an upspike in fake calls to at least 50%. Until new management steps in and empowers us our hands are tied. Cannot fire anyone without legal approval. I see a free-for-all of fake call records in the short term. Disgusting.

Yes HR is concerned about the monumental number of fake calls. The above post actually understates the current situation. Fake calls are now believed to represent 2/3s that is 66% of the total. Reps who are rounded up in the next sting will be dealt with harshly. DMs are in no way considered part of this problem. DMs however will be required to SIGN an oath that they do not encourage or acept this practice. We in HR
Anticipate some DM pushback but those who fail the oath may be demoted or reassigned. No DM will lose employment as the oath is under revise by legal. What is hoped is that the oath will raise the awareness level of those managers in the field of the drive to stop all fake calls and signatures.

Yes HR is concerned about the monumental number of fake calls. The above post actually understates the current situation. Fake calls are now believed to represent 2/3s that is 66% of the total. Reps who are rounded up in the next sting will be dealt with harshly. DMs are in no way considered part of this problem. DMs however will be required to SIGN an oath that they do not encourage or acept this practice. We in HR
Anticipate some DM pushback but those who fail the oath may be demoted or reassigned. No DM will lose employment as the oath is under revise by legal. What is hoped is that the oath will raise the awareness level of those managers in the field of the drive to stop all fake calls and signatures.


Yes HR is concerned about the monumental number of fake calls. The above post actually understates the current situation. Fake calls are now believed to represent 2/3s that is 66% of the total. Reps who are rounded up in the next sting will be dealt with harshly. DMs are in no way considered part of this problem. DMs however will be required to SIGN an oath that they do not encourage or acept this practice. We in HR
Anticipate some DM pushback but those who fail the oath may be demoted or reassigned. No DM will lose employment as the oath is under revise by legal. What is hoped is that the oath will raise the awareness level of those managers in the field of the drive to stop all fake calls and signatures.

HR here - this post is indeed accurate. Fake calls are consistently running over 50% as poster noted. ACT management is livid. Expect massive action by new management to either dump load of reps or retrain the chosen few like the P clubbers who actually do not fake any calls. Yes P Clubbers are the example all reps should strive to match. DMs have some complicit guilt as they have not always REPORTED the fake calls to HR in a timely manner. Auditing of signatures, phone calls and travel records are now underway.

DM here. Honestly, I believe the only ones to frequent and complain on this board are the dead weight of this company and hope you continue to fake calls. That way next round up I can fire your ass have you replaced with someone who doesn't mind actually working AT WORK. I'm looking at a resume now that has a cover letter more impressive then some of your whole pathetic careers. Have fun being some other companies problem. Buh BYE.

HR here - this post is indeed accurate. Fake calls are consistently running over 50% as poster noted. ACT management is livid. Expect massive action by new management to either dump load of reps or retrain the chosen few like the P clubbers who actually do not fake any calls. Yes P Clubbers are the example all reps should strive to match. DMs have some complicit guilt as they have not always REPORTED the fake calls to HR in a timely manner. Auditing of signatures, phone calls and travel records are now underway.

Gotta love fake HR and fake DMs. Love the whole "Sr DM thing. WTF is a "Sr DM"? Been here 15 years and never met one.

All these fake people complaining about fake calls.

Ya, HR is going after us. Most of the crap on this site is made up to evoke a reaction from people like you. If someone was posting true insider information (a crime) then the authorities might work with this site and the company to ID the poster. Short of that nobody will ever do anything.
I'm sick of the jackass(es) who post as the senior DM, RD, or HR Manager. Man you guys must have no life. You are so starved for power and recognition you pretend to be a person with position power. If you were really a DM or RD you would realize you have no real power. DM's and RD's follow direction - they don't set it. Only myopic sales people think DM's and RD's have any real influence within the Company.
Give it a rest. Please. Man you guys are truly mentally ill.

Yes. Now this guy makes sense. I am just a simple rep with a long tenure who's seen this company change over the last 10-15 years. I come in here to enjoy the 10 percent of the posts that are from others who just want to vent, speculate, etc. And yes, I've had great years, bad years, good DMs and bad ones. Yes, I've faked a call here and there and maybe fudged something on an expense report once or twice too. We all have.

But really, wow, the Sr DM, HR, RDs stuff on here is nuts. I just try to ignore it. Sometimes I think it's the same one or two idiots having a conversation within this whole false reality they love to create.

Yes. Now this guy makes sense. I am just a simple rep with a long tenure who's seen this company change over the last 10-15 years. I come in here to enjoy the 10 percent of the posts that are from others who just want to vent, speculate, etc. And yes, I've had great years, bad years, good DMs and bad ones. Yes, I've faked a call here and there and maybe fudged something on an expense report once or twice too. We all have.

But really, wow, the Sr DM, HR, RDs stuff on here is nuts. I just try to ignore it. Sometimes I think it's the same one or two idiots having a conversation within this whole false reality they love to create.[/QUOTE

There are no doubt some idiots posting on c-f. However I see a lot of truth in most of the posts. If you stick your head in the sand then you simply do not recognize the obvious. Also remember that management routinely places threads in c-f to illicit feedback from the "Rep pack". You must recognize that some (most?) of the RD or HR or DM posts are directed BY MANAGEMENT to send messages to reps. I know this is the case.

Yes. Now this guy makes sense. I am just a simple rep with a long tenure who's seen this company change over the last 10-15 years. I come in here to enjoy the 10 percent of the posts that are from others who just want to vent, speculate, etc. And yes, I've had great years, bad years, good DMs and bad ones. Yes, I've faked a call here and there and maybe fudged something on an expense report once or twice too. We all have.

But really, wow, the Sr DM, HR, RDs stuff on here is nuts. I just try to ignore it. Sometimes I think it's the same one or two idiots having a conversation within this whole false reality they love to create.[/QUOTE

There are no doubt some idiots posting on c-f. However I see a lot of truth in most of the posts. If you stick your head in the sand then you simply do not recognize the obvious. Also remember that management routinely places threads in c-f to illicit feedback from the "Rep pack". You must recognize that some (most?) of the RD or HR or DM posts are directed BY MANAGEMENT to send messages to reps. I know this is the case.

I know for a fact that many posts are by management impersonating DMs and RDs etc. This is a litigation-proof means to convey their concerns and warnings to the masses. As an attorney I love this approach.