Ya, HR is going after us. Most of the crap on this site is made up to evoke a reaction from people like you. If someone was posting true insider information (a crime) then the authorities might work with this site and the company to ID the poster. Short of that nobody will ever do anything.
I'm sick of the jackass(es) who post as the senior DM, RD, or HR Manager. Man you guys must have no life. You are so starved for power and recognition you pretend to be a person with position power. If you were really a DM or RD you would realize you have no real power. DM's and RD's follow direction - they don't set it. Only myopic sales people think DM's and RD's have any real influence within the Company.
Give it a rest. Please. Man you guys are truly mentally ill.
I am a manager. Yes a DM. You must be a non ACtavis employee to post this disloyal of BS. As s DM I have a lot of power. Literally all my reps depend on me and I can greatly influince there success or failure. To insinuate that a DM or RD is powerless is redickulous. Yes we do not makepolicy that's done incorporate with the RDs but we implement it. You don't get it. If there are some posters who misrrpresentthrir title aim sure it'd very very few. Mort here are legit. I have heard from HR about the faking of calls. It is a brest concern. You must be a denier of the truth.