do you like working here?

I think we like our customers and "the product" is excellent. I'm thankful for my job and like my DM. We just can't stand the cheating to our sales numbers. I think most would tell you they can't trust what upper management is trying to force on them. The goals and new comp plan seems shady and doesn't add up. The honeymoon for the new leadership is over. Most of their ideas are coming from Quest and are micromanaging us and our DMs. Our DMs hate their jobs. Most DMs would try and leave if they could.

I think we like our customers and "the product" is excellent. I'm thankful for my job and like my DM. We just can't stand the cheating to our sales numbers. I think most would tell you they can't trust what upper management is trying to force on them. The goals and new comp plan seems shady and doesn't add up. The honeymoon for the new leadership is over. Most of their ideas are coming from Quest and are micromanaging us and our DMs. Our DMs hate their jobs. Most DMs would try and leave if they could.

New mangement team seems to have an attitude of "we know all that's best for you." Most of them will be gone in 12 months. Thermo as a whole is cheap, cheap and cheap. This place is not a step up.

If you enjoy being micromanaged by people who have no idea what the regular folks do then this is your place. Be sure to bring colorful pocket square and an arrogant smirk to all the meetings and you will fit right in.

There is a major disconnect with many of our new DMs. While they love to talk about strategy and matrix, it would help if they took any initiative to actually learn our product and offering. My new DM, who obviously cane from you know where, flat out told me that was not a focus of his job, it was more strategy. Great leadership.

I'm glad they took ACE away as it was bad for the future of the company and not sustainable. But ACE had the point of getting us to reach 100% attainment while not directly competing with our own CSC friends in the district. We shared best practices and cheered each other on. Now we compete against each other. If we are lucky we only get one JOA winner in our district. The odds are stacked and you don't realize that you have to make 100% to win which is much harder now with the way we get screwed on new business. At least before we all could be recognized to make our goal. Trust me that 100% is tough with no cheating and no big money behind it. They run the business to cut costs but don't realize that a happy sales force sells more. A happy CSC is not worrying about his BS comp plan. Retention is going to get worse.

There is a major disconnect with many of our new DMs. While they love to talk about strategy and matrix, it would help if they took any initiative to actually learn our product and offering. My new DM, who obviously cane from you know where, flat out told me that was not a focus of his job, it was more strategy. Great leadership.

They don’t ride along because they can’t give you advice. You know more than they ever will know. All they can do is sit at home and play with spreadsheets. My DM has “rode” with me once this year. Most of the time was on phone.

They don’t ride along because they can’t give you advice. You know more than they ever will know. All they can do is sit at home and play with spreadsheets. My DM has “rode” with me once this year. Most of the time was on phone.

Amen. Missteps left and right--i.e., trusting clueless EH to identify talent- she couldn't and she clearly didn't. Failure will be your standard.

Amen. Missteps left and right--i.e., trusting clueless EH to identify talent- she couldn't and she clearly didn't. Failure will be your standard.

You can't keep blaming EH. Most of the decision in the past 6 months are coming from the fantastic five with no EH input. The old school Phadia people in the home office left won't dare say anything.

Wow… you came with the idea of using the pollen counts website! Let’s have another webinar to take your focus away so we can talk about this awesome best practice. Didn’t get the e-mail we sent yesterday, let’s send it again! Don’t worry we will send another one at the end of the week.

Wow… you came with the idea of using the pollen counts website! Let’s have another webinar to take your focus away so we can talk about this awesome best practice. Didn’t get the e-mail we sent yesterday, let’s send it again! Don’t worry we will send another one at the end of the week.

Those emails are, by far, the most annoying thing in the world. I would estimate 5% at most even open them before deleting. More annoying, but not by much, than these stupid webinars. Music does not make them any more valuable!!

You have to show you're doing "something". Two of the people behind these e-mails told me they hate doing them but have been "tasked" with getting us on track. They know no one is listening and are tracking the attendance and replays.

I used to like working here, but new management, and more importantly, a compensation plan that provides virtually NO chance of making money, has most reps looking for other jobs.