Do they know who is staying and going yet?

"Hey Bextra Region, since Bextra can be prescribed before oral surgery to reduce pain, let's also include orthopedic surgery in that. We can hire a speaker from the Carolinas who will travel around the country and present this new information to orthos and surgery centers. We will create home made training and promos to have break out sessions at our POA meetings. Any reps who can get Bextra added to standing orders for surgery will join a special club and receive extra ACE points"
"Also, please bring your examples of Bextra standing orders and protocols to the POA meeting! Remember, the 20 mg BID dose is not just for primary dysmenorhea. Remember that dental pain study when you are talking to your Orthos. Now go sell something."

"Also, please bring your examples of Bextra standing orders and protocols to the POA meeting! Remember, the 20 mg BID dose is not just for primary dysmenorhea. Remember that dental pain study when you are talking to your Orthos. Now go sell something."
Wasn't it shortly after this that Pfizer was served huge fines, Bextra was removed from the market for "Stephen's Johnson's Syndrome" and several middle managers disappeared ?

Wasn't it shortly after this that Pfizer was served huge fines, Bextra was removed from the market for "Stephen's Johnson's Syndrome" and several middle managers disappeared ?

yep. I was just walking into a large ortho office when the TV in the waiting room announced the PFE had yanked Bextra. That was pretty much the if-point of my 30-year career at Pfizer (retired 18 months ago) and it was all downhill from there. On the bright side, I got both the severance and full retirement, so financially things worked out ok. Having 2 kids in college wasn’t ideal but my financial planner has done really well with my funds once I rolled them out of Fidelity. I could go back to work, but I’m enjoying my freedom and setting my own schedule. Perhaps I’ll do some consulting work for a friend who’s asked, I just don’t ever want to wind up back in the grind I was the last 15 years at Pfizer, with layoffs almost every year and insurance companies making life miserable for anyone in pharma or medical sales. I doubt my younger teammates will get to retire with 30 years at PFE. It’s too unstable of a work environment, at least for sales colleagues.

Best of luck to all with this year’s layoffs. I hope you each get what you want. I know I did.

they're rethinking it. they announced during lockdown but now things are mostly back to normal. oops
All my offices are open and we can do regular lunches (except this company of course, everything has to be shrink wrapped). My docs don't want to do virtual calls when we can just walk in like we used to. So of course this company will screw this all up as only they can by insisting that we do a certain % of virtual calls when our customers don't want them.

Correct, nothing has changed…Pfizer stock price stagnant for years, too big with way to much operating costs…Sr. Leadership believes the company must get MUCH smaller to succeed…

Sounds reasonable, why is there no communication on a timeline? It’s pretty shitty to have a company wide call on a reorg with fairly specific details only to go silent for 2 months plus. Everyone I know with the company is letting their imagination take over creating too many false scenarios, communication is key and would clear up any misinformation. Transparent communication is what they said, actions speak louder than words you C-suite assholes.