do attractive women get hired more?

If they are smart (sometimes), they will hire someone who is reasonably attractive but well dressed. He/she needs to be fit as opposed to Barbie and Ken. Remember, you have to get passed the office manager. The Barbie fashion plate can be intimidating and piss off your best friend or worst enemy...........the office manager who has more influence than you realize. If you make a cold call on a day when the physician has been on call and the waiting room is standing room only you may find if difficult to get future appointments. Just some random thoughts.

Geez, are you guys serious? It is scary to think that when I go to a highly educated and compensated doctor for a serious health issue that his recommended course of action can be so easily swayed by free meals and attractive reps. What about the actual science and data? BTW I'm in R&D, so very far removed from this side of the business...

Geez, are you guys serious?

Yeah, they are serious. It depends a lot on whether the rep is calling on primary care or certain specialties, but some companies have had incredible success hiring ladies fresh off the cheer leading squad that looked great in a skirt. When your marketing has been reduced to reading a Legal Department approved script there is not a lot of selling to be done, so you might as well have some visual appeal.

Other specialties will deal with any rep, male or female, who presents themselves professionally and knows their stuff, the more educated and informed the better. Unfortunately, there are fewer of those physicians then there used to be. Times have changed.

The answer is yes...particularly at entry level/primary care spots. And then it becomes a funnel/survival curve. Many find a physician or other highly paid individual to “take over their payments”...including marrying them and potential having kids. Others become career minded ladies and rise the ranks by any means necessary. And yet some become disenchanted with the racket...including but not limited to depression, anxiety or other maladies leading to both short and long term disability. Finally...and perhaps the most rare and their family ( including a low wage earning beta boy or “stay home” (not stay at home...there’s a difference ) Dad’s. These fellas drive the company vehicles, enjoy the extra food brought home and revel in the award trips. They are never happier than when they drop the wife off at the airport prior to a multi-day national meeting. They fishtail out of the departure area and enjoy some time away from the “sales pro”.

The answer is yes...particularly at entry level/primary care spots. And then it becomes a funnel/survival curve. Many find a physician or other highly paid individual to “take over their payments”...including marrying them and potential having kids. Others become career minded ladies and rise the ranks by any means necessary. And yet some become disenchanted with the racket...including but not limited to depression, anxiety or other maladies leading to both short and long term disability. Finally...and perhaps the most rare and their family ( including a low wage earning beta boy or “stay home” (not stay at home...there’s a difference ) Dad’s. These fellas drive the company vehicles, enjoy the extra food brought home and revel in the award trips. They are never happier than when they drop the wife off at the airport prior to a multi-day national meeting. They fishtail out of the departure area and enjoy some time away from the “sales pro”.
The last part. This is because they've succeeded in turning our women into men and our men into women. Society has changed and not for the better.

So funny reading the 2012 comments of this thread compared to now. 12 years ago this I might have been a valid point but these days it seems so different. When I was 25, single, tan and skinny getting a med sales job was easy. That doesn’t equal sales numbers. Being hot doesn’t mean you’re dumb. Being ugly doesn’t mean you’re smart. Some of the most successful reps I know are gorgeous and smart, and/or sloppy nerds who are still likable. What I don’t understand how certain people in leadership continue to get away with being fundamental assholes despite looks. No matter where you go or how you look depending on the staff they will always have predisposed notions, being successful is being smart enough to get past that, if you can. Being attractive makes it harder because people don’t want to take you seriously.