do attractive women get hired more?

This might be the case for primary care, but not in the specialty side I am in. You see all types. But the ones that get the most business and noticed are the ones that are the best reps with the best products.... Keep that in mind, beauty never wins out over brains and carisma.

So here is a ?, I am a recent college graduate 24yrs of age. White Male 6'1, good build, no beer belly (as of today), Communication degree, Veterinary Tech Experience, Past Asst. GM of a restaurant, and currently interning at a Non-profit in Comm. Dept..

What are the chances that I can get a Pharma Sales Job in either Human or Animal Health? And quite honestly where do I start, I have gone to more companies websites and applied and never received so much as an email back.

There are very few Vet reps compared to the hoards of pharma reps. My advice would be to go to your vet and have a talk with him or her about what you are trying to do. Ask the Vet for 4-5 reps who you can call and meet out for lunch. I assume its all about who you know not what you know. Next google the Vet recruiters. You will have to have a seek and destroy mentality to find these recruiters because I bet they are few and far between. You are in a huge uphill battle but if you want it go get it. My last advice is to get a real direct sales job first then they might look at you differently. Good Luck!

I had a friend who wanted to be a drug rep so I asked a drug rep I met for advice to give her. He said, "I'm sorry if this sounds odd but, how pretty is she because if she's not really pretty, she shouldn't even waste her time."

OF course they do- I mean look at how many reps are attractive women - they did not get the job because of their sales skills - most do not have any. Their job consist of look good - smile, flirt, leave samples, and get signature, soooo.....

Im in sales myself and see pharma reps out there all the day. I have really never seen a truly ugly drug rep. I think it also has to do with the fact that you are selling healthcare. Seriously dont you think it would be assinied to send in a big fat slob to sell to cardiologists who looks like hes about to have a heart attack? Also, pharma sales is not sales so this is why all the young barbies and kens get hired. Pharma reps are usually pretty good looking both the men and the women. Shit I look like a barbie and I cant even get an interview at a pharma company. Would I do better if I put my picture on my resume with my hot ass?

I am a female rep and I was hired by Merck when I was a size 10. I was also in my late 20s and a bit below average in looks for a female drug rep. I am a brunette and I suffer from acne.

I still got the job and was successful. I'm not a rep anymore - I have another job where looks are not as highly valued.

I am a female rep and I was hired by Merck when I was a size 10. I was also in my late 20s and a bit below average in looks for a female drug rep. I am a brunette and I suffer from acne.

I still got the job and was successful. I'm not a rep anymore - I have another job where looks are not as highly valued.

That's cool

So you made it back to the zoo?

I am a female rep and I was hired by Merck when I was a size 10. I was also in my late 20s and a bit below average in looks for a female drug rep. I am a brunette and I suffer from acne.

I still got the job and was successful. I'm not a rep anymore - I have another job where looks are not as highly valued.

exactly. Ive never seen a truly horrific looking drug rep. Which means it is obviously not a real sales job. In other industries in sales there are some ugly and average looking people and some good looking. In pharma it just seems as though everyone is good looking. And quite frankly some of the ones Ive met just seem plain dumb

exactly. Ive never seen a truly horrific looking drug rep. Which means it is obviously not a real sales job. In other industries in sales there are some ugly and average looking people and some good looking. In pharma it just seems as though everyone is good looking. And quite frankly some of the ones Ive met just seem plain dumb


I am still working, but its over for me in this industry. I would consider myself to be above average looking, with a very good education, and I will no longer go on an interview in this industry because of the stupidity of the reps and mangers.

They are all so fake and so untalented.

However, there is no point in leaving a good paying job, so I will stay until I get let go with a severance.

As for "real" sales jobs, you are 100 percent correct. The "real" sales jobs only care about the bottom line and being a professional in front of your customers, and not stealing from the company.

In pharma, its all about kissing manager ass, and presenting a good sales persona. Total BS of a job, and I regret getting into it. But, it is what it is. The pay is good, at least.

It is not a sales job by a long shot.


I am still working, but its over for me in this industry. I would consider myself to be above average looking, with a very good education, and I will no longer go on an interview in this industry because of the stupidity of the reps and mangers.

They are all so fake and so untalented.

However, there is no point in leaving a good paying job, so I will stay until I get let go with a severance.

As for "real" sales jobs, you are 100 percent correct. The "real" sales jobs only care about the bottom line and being a professional in front of your customers, and not stealing from the company.

In pharma, its all about kissing manager ass, and presenting a good sales persona. Total BS of a job, and I regret getting into it. But, it is what it is. The pay is good, at least.

It is not a sales job by a long shot.

How big are your tits?

well im a size 0 so hopefully i get hired (Please note sarcasm). But, actually, 0's are too large on me. Will they look past the anoretic in me? I'm actually being serious...I've had trouble getting jobs in the past b/c I don't look well.


Time to make an appt. with the plastic surgeon. Go big or go home!!!!

Yes, and then quickly they learn that practitioners are not all impressed. Hey, I just wish they would bring back all those stuffed animals. I got one rep. that was pushing Allegra-D gave me a nose stuffed animal that when you threw in on the ground it said "I'm stuffy", "nose blowing sound", etc. It was great fun with my dogs. Other then that never really got much else. Although, I have about 50 coffee mugs.