if i had a nickel for every minute my reps wasted -yapping to one another on their cell phones i be a rich man-what we are saying is stop the gossipping and sell for christ's sake!!!
If that's that big of a problem in your district then why the hell did you hire idiots. Aren't the "all-powerful" managers supposed to be good at their job; and isn't hiring good people part of that job?
What really happens is Forest hires pretty decent people most of the time and, for the most part, most all of them want to sell and improve their skills. Then once exposed to the poor leadership in each division, they start to deteriorate into exeactly what you made them into; pretty ugly isn't it. And, believe it or not, the reason the leadership is so poor is because Forest promotes incompetent little tools, way to soon, that want to be a big boy manager for all the wrong reasons. IT DON'T WORK THAT WAY DUMBASS!!!
Good companies don't promote inexperienced nimrods because they know it would be disastrous for performance. Now, go get your Starbucks coffee with all your little colleagues and sit around and scratch your butt while you try to figure out how to improve business.