District Meetings

They are not bankrupt yet, but soon very soon!!! Thermo mgrs are useless!!!! This place will be crashing down very fast. NE US territory is just draining the company. No business out of that team...of course Thermo mgr leading them!!!

Very true, not good in the NE. Of course it is Thermo retread. We went from a company on the rise to allowing numerous themo people and have paid the price. We are no longer moving in the right direction, but losing ground daily. About time they are called out!

Let them vent!!! This is a forum to do that, so if you don't like reading it just create another thread and don't read it. These guys must be hated for some reason, maybe the arrogance they send out thinking they are the greatest or maybe it's someone in house mad at them. Could be a present employee passed on a promotion and they idiots got the role. Neither of them will succeed. If I were any Atheorech employee I would be looking to leave

indeed i have been looking for months. thermo folks already have inflicted the damage now its piled on when JM took over. its a bad combination.

Haha. I will double down on that bet. No doubt JF and TW could never survive in the field. If you have seen either of them try and I try to present at the workshops. It's a gas. One is fat and studid and the other is just lost.

You are wasting your time here posting your thoughts over and over. Perhaps months back you could have made a point now we now you are a unhappy exempolyee with an axe to grind every post you put up makes more committed to keep these guys with us. Please keep posting and behind the scences I will do everything I can to support them. Your posts are a complete waste of time glad to see you cant move on live in your world of muck!

It does not matter any longer who is here and where they came from. Atherotech is Thermo Fisher 2.0 but now we could have the best sales force and still be in this death spiral.