District Meetings

ATHEROTECH IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP KILLER As long as we are upfront with our accounts and not play off the changes in billing as no big deal. It may come down to for out of network, doctors have to determine what tests are most crucial for thier patients. Atherotech has allowed doctors and patients the opportunity to have access to life saving, high end, markers that have changed many lives at an affordable price. It's basic economics. Cost has changed. With that, the patients and the doctors may opt to testing with Atherotech they can afford. It's up to us the reps to be transparent so that WE DO NOT KILL our relationships. Our offering which includes markers like cystatin C, Glycomark, Galecton 3 will now be less available as cost will play a larger role. Information from markers drs and patients receive from the VAP and Plac test are still very cost effective and vital to diagnosing and treating heart disease. We all know from our experience in the field via success stories from accounts how patient access to our testing has produced positive outcomes and better decision making surrounding patient care. Never lose sight of that. To the above threads, the job, the company, the future here is VERY UNCERTAIN. We need to do ourselves a favor and not concede to any BS corporate feeds us and focus on the very one thing that has made us successful. Our accounts. We need to be upfront, transparent and start looking for a new job. ASAP! It's been a great ride and look forward to seeing you all in a new market space.

I'm interviewing and only servicing my accounts. I wont tolerate or be apart of having panels ordered daily. This is a disgrace and fraud. I cant bring on new accounts because I have integrity to my customers. Hopefully, I'll be gone by July and move away from this hell hole and dumb assess in so called leadership.

Good point. In Aug there will be changes and this company will see the impact. Those who tout the European vacation will likey never see it. Should it come true it may only be a one way trip. Be sure to have a contingency plan. The ship has sailed and there's a great big hole in the hull.

we are very much like hdl. boston is operating under the compliance leadership of quest so they are in good standing with all payers.

we are next to hammered by the oig.

I totally agree we are being mislead and mismanaged by all the panel building. Its wrong and not one payer would condone such fragrant fraud and abuse. Its a matter of time before we are examined. Agree what bull shit company.

absolutely we are mismanaged. complete morons across the board from JM, CP, JS, the so called rvps and rds that never sold in the field. Im sure there are a few rd that are good by I haven't meet one. We have become a joke with our clients.

atherotech is like one of those locations where a restaurant that cant survive and there's always a new name about once a year. we all know there's one in every town and atherotech is that location that will never be successful. we have experienced the hillbillies running the place and now we have senior citizens feeding is jello and Metamucil. both experiences take us to the same result: a horrible pile of horse manure. again and again we are bankrupt and now cant keep on the straight and narrow. these old folks wake up and forget what the hell they decided the day before. its called amnesia at that age. between the two we sky rocketed to over 40% turnover which we never recovered especially with all the winners from thermo fischer and so called up grades at home office. I mean not upgrades but leftovers from companies that didn't want them. just look at our erosion and deterioration of accounts.

They are not bankrupt yet, but soon very soon!!! Thermo mgrs are useless!!!! This place will be crashing down very fast. NE US territory is just draining the company. No business out of that team...of course Thermo mgr leading them!!!

wow still thermo fischer losers are still around. I thought they weeded themselves out. what a bunch of idiots. no nothing about the lab business. even worse they hired more thermo reps and they are cry babies because they have to work. HR should be fired for hiring the thermo RD's. total rejects. they were embarrassing at the NSM.

The irony of ironies is that you losers, who continue to trash and tear down the company are still here. Wonder why??? So leave already. Find a new job -- not in sales because you clearly cannot sell which is why you are so angry and blame everything on Atherotech -- but please just go away and shut up. Re-read your posts in the context of why you are saying these things yet still here. You are pathetic. Go away.

We will continue to tear it down until all the assholes are gone!!! We are not after reps, but upper mgt and useless rsd's who offer zero help on the field or getting things done for the reps.

its well documented TF are cheaters and losers. agree they cant help in the field, in fact they are a hindrance. how typical that atherotech would recruit TF non talent. ite was the beginning of the high turnover and plummeted enthusiasm for this place. they leave a trail of incompetence

Get the remaining TF Managers out of this company. They have done enough damage to our reputation. They don't know how to sell and just have no, absolutely no fn clue what to do in a clinic.

Good riddance TF garbage

We will continue to tear it down until all the assholes are gone!!! We are not after reps, but upper mgt and useless rsd's who offer zero help on the field or getting things done for the reps.

Please lets allow JM to continue to drive this company off the cliff with his new structure of ass kissers and home office losers that couldn't survive one week in the filed. As for the RVP that also cant connect in the field or has one ounce of knowledge-Go Away creep.

Too many RDs especially TF ass wipes that only can manage spreadsheets and reports and that's a compliment.

What the hell is going on...why are we failing. Oh yeah RDs

I am on final interview and out of this pile of dung. I concur, please get rid of any Thermo Fischer managers that are still out there and ruining reps reputation. While hopefully they weed out Thermo Fischer clowns, please restructure the top JM has to go back to nursing home and have a competent leader that can identify talent for the home office. Not the group of incompetent wannabes. My experience here was miserable and very glad I only have a few weeks left.