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District managers-why do we have them?

And why do they think that having managers in the field 4 days a week is helpful? I get 1/3 of my calls in when my manager is with me...then get hit with a low call average! Can't win!

My manager keeps wanting me to tell offices that don't see dms, that he's from marketing and not a dm. I asked him what happens when they want to see his business card. Wonder what hr would think of a manager wanting me to lie to customers....

My manager keeps wanting me to tell offices that don't see dms, that he's from marketing and not a dm. I asked him what happens when they want to see his business card. Wonder what hr would think of a manager wanting me to lie to customers....

Any DBM that asks you to lie is worthless. Try to record them and go to HR.

Managers are just babysitters, the other poster had it right. They add no value to being in the field. They actually hinder reps from doing the job.

I would say 100% with rare exception. I had a manager recently that actually provided value..... literally jumped in the call, dialogued with customers, knew what the hell he was talking about, etc... So, like good reps, they're few and far between but out there.

Problem is that 98% of managers don't provide value and just detract from what it is you're actually supposed to be doing. Like original poster alluded, they're a boat anchor. M.W. says that all these manager ridealongs are a giant waste of time. So who is behind these 125+ field days a year? The shitbird RBDs, that's who.

DBMs will do whatever the RBDs say. You can find out real quick which RBDs suck balls vs those who don't by how many field rides they mandate and what call note percentage they demand. The RBDs love to blame it on the VPs but any one who's been on a VP call knows that they don't give two shits about call notes and all this other bullshit. It's just RBDs way of justifying their job. How pathetic. Shadow of a leader's hairy asshole.

On a few occasions at BMS I have been without a DBM, needless to say the world kept spinning, the sun kept rising and business went along as usual. They are not nearly as important or necessary as they'd like to believe they are.

On a few occasions at BMS I have been without a DBM, needless to say the world kept spinning, the sun kept rising and business went along as usual. They are not nearly as important or necessary as they'd like to believe they are.

DMs are not going away, they do the documentation required to get rid of worthless reps, no one else wants that shit job.

DMs are not going away, they do the documentation required to get rid of worthless reps, no one else wants that shit job.

Numbers can determine worthless reps, we don't need biased individuals making judgements based on "BMS Behaviors" to cover the companies ass. You perform, you stay. You don't, you go. All the managers are good for is approving expense reports, and trained monkeys in NJ can do that. How many millions would be saved by cutting DM's salary and benefits packages.

Numbers can determine worthless reps, we don't need biased individuals making judgements based on "BMS Behaviors" to cover the companies ass. You perform, you stay. You don't, you go. All the managers are good for is approving expense reports, and trained monkeys in NJ can do that. How many millions would be saved by cutting DM's salary and benefits packages.

there are plenty of reps with good numbers that suck, not a good argument

there are plenty of reps with good numbers that suck, not a good argument

It's the only argument that matters you management tool. The numbers will most certainly turn negative if the rep is not working effectively. An RBD can figure that out or do away with the RBD position and have 1 DBM per 100 reps! Any way it is worked would be an improvement. Hire the right people and empower them to do the right thing. The reps are the face of any organization. What have you done lately to improve our image?