Ding dong

People still care because the truth is they ruined B&L. They fired people that had been there since the products launched for no reason other than to put in their own people. You only even have a handful of second gen reps left, I don't think you have a single legacy rep left that launched the LE product brands. You might still have a bunch of 3rd and 4th gen reps, and then you have territories that have had 5 or more people in as many years. that's nuts. Once the originals left with all those years of relationships the revolving door started. you can never rebuild that. You've lost that market share and those years of relationships and have no way to regain it.

B&L has such a bad reputation now for being a revolving door for reps that it makes it so much more difficult to transition to another major ophthalmic company. It's a real shame what they did to that place.