Ding dong

Leaving as of jan 1-already gone upstairs. Begin watching the 'shire' or ' Bayer' threads (perry at shire Neuro with Fleming); the troll, bc, now at Bayer. Bayer rumored to b purchasing shire, hmmmmmmmmm

She was demoted from area sales director and Kc was given her spot interim, until new asd chosen. They named her some fake position called, special accounts manager (fake position-that she would fail bc she knows none if these people). Probably to avoid lawsuit for showing her the door.

love it. hate her. perry probably already got her other made up job though. wish someone would 86 them both so they can know what it feels like to be out of work without a job like they have done to so many other people

Believe me-there is a special place for all of these fools. The piper always collects!

Makes me think of the famous biblical quote used by Samuel Jackson in 'pulp fiction' before they wasted someone. 'The path of the righteous man......' Ahhhh-you know it!

Seriously? Will KK please exit stage left? More yapping from KK on conference call today. Is the new guy just her puppet? He seems like a goofball! Hey new guy: get us more money, more resources, and fix the silly goals! Why did I waste 10 minutes of my life for a conference call today? Worthless.

Seriously? Will KK please exit stage left? More yapping from KK on conference call today. Is the new guy just her puppet? He seems like a goofball! Hey new guy: get us more money, more resources, and fix the silly goals! Why did I waste 10 minutes of my life for a conference call today? Worthless.

KK is still at B+L. Wow.

good riddens. shame for the crew at shire though. i mean what do those 2 idiots know about neuro. it's really pathetic how seagull management like them can fly in and crap all over the place then fly away to the next place to crap all over them. only hope is one day, they finally get sent away to wither and die

Honestly who cares about kk, perry, bc, etc. they are gone now-good riddence, rot in hell. They're shires and bayers problem now-god help those poor folks! They can blame ol Fleming when they start to figure it out.