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Did you reach out to your displaced counterparts last few layoffs ?

Last year...this year....friends at NPC? None of your so called "friends" or POD mates were your friends. They talked behind your back as well as other's, they took credit for ther territory doing so well and trashed everyone else...OH! When it came time for reports, business plans, news, studying, DPM's, they were your best friend and complimented you to your Manager and District about a speaker program or luncheon.

THEY ARE ALL FAKE!!!!!!! SCREW THEM!!!!! They care as much about you as a baby cares about what color his fecal material is!!!!! Reach out? I did this time to other's let go and they were devasted. I was caught last year in the red tide and none of them called me...oh, one did. Now, everything is doom and gloom! "We just bought a $390,000 house with $$30,000 down and cannot make the house payments after October". Reality has finally set in for what we went through they didn't care. PHUCKEM!!!!!!!!

Wah, wah, wah! Another self entitled drug rep!

You left you a key word! "EXPECTING" or "DEMANDING", yes EXPECTING or DEMANDING a call is what make you self entitled. I hope that helps. If you really think its important that you speak to your former colleagues, you can call them, instead of acting like some sort of woman jilted after a one night stand. "Boo Hoo, he never even called me again". Grow up, the world owes you nothing.

You left you a key word! "EXPECTING" or "DEMANDING", yes EXPECTING or DEMANDING a call is what make you self entitled. I hope that helps. If you really think its important that you speak to your former colleagues, you can call them, instead of acting like some sort of woman jilted after a one night stand. "Boo Hoo, he never even called me again". Grow up, the world owes you nothing.

Sounds like you're a little angry pisser!

You left you a key word! "EXPECTING" or "DEMANDING", yes EXPECTING or DEMANDING a call is what make you self entitled. I hope that helps. If you really think its important that you speak to your former colleagues, you can call them, instead of acting like some sort of woman jilted after a one night stand. "Boo Hoo, he never even called me again". Grow up, the world owes you nothing.

You need to seek therapy in how to connect with humans. From your response, it sounds like you need some help with some potential communication issues. Have you ever heard of empathy? Just plain courtesy calls/texts would have been nice. I never said or thought I expect or demand anything.

Correct the world owes me nothing but Novartis owes me about 50K in OT !!!
Thanks Novartis , Think what's possible !!! XD

Really, you received a statement of some sort. I sure didnt. Besides, after taxes, lawyers, not much left. Any way, if you have just been laid off, you will need every dime of it, trust me.

You need to seek therapy in how to connect with humans. From your response, it sounds like you need some help with some potential communication issues. Have you ever heard of empathy? Just plain courtesy calls/texts would have been nice. I never said or thought I expect or demand anything.

Dont need counseling, but maybe you do. Im not on an anonymous board expressing an entitlement that people call me. If Im lonely, I lean on my family for support, not strangers that I work with. Boo Hoo! But then again, youre a drug rep, so you get the whole entitlement thing, I am noty and I do not!

To those that did god bless & good luck , to the rest of you enjoy the karma !

I was let go in 2010 layoffs. I appreciate those that reached out to me and/or responded to me. But it's a rough thing to go through so regardless of whether "they" helped me or cared when I was let go, I will help them if I can.

Something in the Bible about being kind to others who weren't kind to you, and all that.

God bless

Dont need counseling, but maybe you do. Im not on an anonymous board expressing an entitlement that people call me. If Im lonely, I lean on my family for support, not strangers that I work with. Boo Hoo! But then again, youre a drug rep, so you get the whole entitlement thing, I am noty and I do not!

So....why are you here??? No rude enta necessary. Just be nice.