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Did you reach out to your displaced counterparts last few layoffs ?


Thanks bitter ass hole. I bet you are still out of work.

Oh so you're one of the self absorbed narcissistic shitbirds that threw everyone under the bus & deluded yourself that you matter .
Pop a few zanax now douchbag , 18% higher pay which = 1 less job for you

Don't worry though I'll buy your house when it's in foreclosure

All I know is, after I'm shitcanned in a few weeks, I won't be a bitter self righteous asshole posting threads like this one on cafepharma a year later...

I hear ya , you're just a current bitter self rightous asshole that claims they won't post
on cafepharma when your miserable deluded world comes crashing down in a few weeks
yet you will be glued to these threads & wonder why your almost presidents club award didn't save you & why dominoes is the only company willing to interview you :)

I worked in pharma a few years back, but i never realized what an all bunch of "small minded people (i am trying really hard to stay polite) you guys are!
It's a job, not a life! I have never read so much BS anywhere else, except maybe in highschool! You people are so immature, and mean: it is embarassing! No wonder why companies don't want to hire former pharmaceutical reps!
Grow up, you were spoiled for many years, welcome to the real world!
This said, i wish you all the best, and i am sure it will be a learning experience for some of you!
And yes, God bless!

You can run but you cant hide!! All you check the box slackers that made the last few cuts are going to CHOKE ON IT now. And what great timing too, there are NO more well paying rim jobs like the one your about to get shit canned from.

KARMA BABY (yes George, im stealing your baby's)

Oh, get a towel, you got a little on your chin.

Holy smokes is the OP the biggest fag on the planet. You did not get a better job with a raise. You are a bitter displaced rep that had to move in with your mom...and now you surf this site in her basement because no woman will come near you. Your attempt at humor is even bad. But I'm sure you were a fantastic rep...

I did and it pretty much napalmed my life. How was I to know three years later I would be divorced, homeless, a drug addict, an alcoholic, limited visitation with my child as a result of my help.

Be careful what you wish for... ...and who you help.

I hate that corporate speak "reach out", also "efforted".

If the message is too complicated try this , when you worked with someone for 1-5-10-20 years & all it entails. Give them a simple call & wish them luck if they got burned.
Don't bury your head in the sand & think you are superior because you made the "cut"
however if you were a back stabbing crony of the DM who badmouthed everyone , a DM who played favorites or a MD who is a nasty POS
enjoy your hell :) Karma is king baby !!!

I think I'm going to start a drinking game based on reach and frquency of the OP's compulsion to say the words karma and backstabbing...all because the fag didn't get a phone call from his colleagues (who obviously couldn't stand his dumb ass) after he rightfully was fired years ago. A low performer for sure...

I think I'm going to start a drinking game based on reach and frquency of the OP's compulsion to say the words karma and backstabbing...all because the fag didn't get a phone call from his colleagues (who obviously couldn't stand his dumb ass) after he rightfully was fired years ago. A low performer for sure...

Fag ? what are you a high school jock wanna be homophobe
or more likely repressed homosexual ?
Start a drinking game on how many times you use fag & you'll be in the morgue from
alchohol poisoning.
I bet you are a fat fucking tool & behave like sandusky from penn state. Any r***** using
"low performer" in this convoluted bogus sales system is a total jackass. Oh & I'm still working for NVS & agree that this place is littered with ass kissing delusional jerk offs & a few decent folks as well.
Crawl back to your trailer park now you stuttering buffoon redneck lowlife.

Looks like someone struck a nerve. I guess karma is a bitch after all...

Could some one just reach out to this poor man and give him the call he so richly deserves from all us backstabbers. Oops, I said karma. Everyone drink!

If the message is too complicated try this , when you worked with someone for 1-5-10-20 years & all it entails. Give them a simple call & wish them luck if they got burned.
Don't bury your head in the sand & think you are superior because you made the "cut"
however if you were a back stabbing crony of the DM who badmouthed everyone , a DM who played favorites or a MD who is a nasty POS
enjoy your hell :) Karma is king baby !!!

I hear 'ya! However, as difficult as this may be -- those peeps at work are NOT your friends. Just let them be with all of their issues (God only knows my POD had a lot of issues!). You don't need that or want that! The fact that people need to reach out to those in need is a difficult lesson for some people to learn. And some will go through life so blind that they never realize how easy it is to impact someone elses life, positively or negatively. Whatever someone else does, even if it involves you, has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the other person. I'm guessing your work meant a lot to you and you just wanted to luv'n from your co-workers. I completely understand.