Did Gomez ever get his degree ?

There may be no impact on you life, but it just affirms what a corrupt corporation AbbVie/Abbott is. In almost any other company he would have been immediately asked to resign for misrepresenting himself. You yourself would have been immediately sacked if HR found out you did not have a degree. No severance, no nothing.

Totally agree !!!

Oh come on dude! Just go online and get a degree! If many of the employees of this company can go online at night after working all day and study for advanced degrees. Are you really going to tell us you have had no time! Get real and don't be so lazy!

I heard Rickys enjoying the fruits of the saved Abbott labs pension that was taken away along with the outsourced jobs and employee reduction through PIPs. The sweet smell of success fills Ricky's mansion. Smart man, just like Trump !! Two Winners in life

Haas got a nice place too ! That promotion and Viekira bonus must have been YUGE. I heard he gets a 5% override of every employees and their salary benefit totals that he sets up on a performance plan after they are gone. He's getting rich fast.

That's right, we made money off your PIP, now you are reduced to a whining baby with plenty of time on your hands. How's it feel to watch others leave for work every morning while you sit there with that mad dumb look trolling message boards ?

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