Did Gomez ever get his degree ?

Really, what's it to you? He be making $8,000,000 in salary (before stock grants) and you be makin' what, half that? No, less? Whiner. You don't have the nuts to roll up and do what it takes to make what even I do. So shut up. We do what you don't want to do, and we get compensated for it.... what's the issue there? IF (big "IF") you could do what we can do, you would be making it big in industry, any industry, but you can't. Or won't. Either way it doesn't matter. So STFU. We do it and get paid for it. And live happily ever after. End of story.
One more thing, just to show you how little you know, the stock grants at my crummy level, already double my salary. How much are YOUR stock grants giving you and your family?
The real issue is this: You can stay at an entry level position for as long as we decide in management, or you can step up to the plate and take on more responsibility and get compensated for it. If you don't step up, don't complain about our salaries. And leave your future in our hands.
Goodnight. GB
Goodnight GB you coward

The impact is that, like criminals, if one gets away with it and this activity is accepted then, trust me, it will become more pervasive in society, and eventually there will be no value to anything other than cheating, lying and deception. Nothing good will ever be created because good will no longer be rewarded, only fraud, smoke and mirrors, and cheating will be revered. In a nutshell only selfish assholes like you will be revered. T This results in complete chaos and the fall of civilization. But then I look a little further than my bellybutton. It is clear you do not. Thus mutiny on the bounty. Go for it.

Oh, wow. I bet you're one of those people who uses canvas bags at the grocery store and thinks they're saving the planet. Got news for you, pal, the perfect world you envision doesn't exist, and working yourself into a lather over the injustices of this life will only hurt you. The veneer of civilization is mighty thin, and even the best people would be just as corrupt as the worst criminal if put in a desperate situation. You don't want to hear this, but my advice is to live your own life, try to be happy, and don't let the RGs of this world dominate your thinking. You'll save yourself a lot of disappointment.

Oh, wow. I bet you're one of those people who uses canvas bags at the grocery store and thinks they're saving the planet. Got news for you, pal, the perfect world you envision doesn't exist, and working yourself into a lather over the injustices of this life will only hurt you. The veneer of civilization is mighty thin, and even the best people would be just as corrupt as the worst criminal if put in a desperate situation. You don't want to hear this, but my advice is to live your own life, try to be happy, and don't let the RGs of this world dominate your thinking. You'll save yourself a lot of disappointment.

On the subject of saving the planet; sounds like you are trying to save the person who wrote the post above. As to the desperation of everyman vs that of criminals; criminals just feel more desperate than others when it isn't even warranted. It must be inherent greed. They are so afraid they won't get theirs. I suppose Gonzo felt desperate so he apparently faked his resume. I guess the Sales Managers lie because they are feeling desperate that they won't get their entitlement. I guess Study Managers and Data Managers try to skew data so that their drug/device won't get kabashed and then they might be out of a job. If people would just stand up and do the right thing once in a while it would really be a nice change for the better. Some companies are just more corrupt than others. If the lifers at Abbott/AbbVie ever left the Man they might see some companies do not tolerate this crap.

Of course!

Coming soon, to a mailbox near you.

In the meanwhile, what are YOU doing to earn $8,000,000/year? Get the top job at ABT? Good luck, even with the decrease in compensation that you may offer!

Funny thing here is if you had an MBA back the the early 80s with Abbott you would have gotten promoted through the ranks. Even today an MBA would probably at least get you into management.

Gonzo had many more opportunities open up to him by his supposed "Education" more so than the average highschooler would ever hope to have in today's society.

Why do you think he retired than came right back to Abbott. He could never be a CEO of another company by misleading the shareholders, employees and the general public by not having a degree or an MBA.

Catch me if you can philosophy but he has been able to keep his job.

By the way I forgot to tell Abbvie that I actually didn't go to Harvard Business School. That was a clerical error. MY BAD.. DOH

What a joke.

The impact is that, like criminals, if one gets away with it and this activity is accepted then, trust me, it will become more pervasive in society, and eventually there will be no value to anything other than cheating, lying and deception. Nothing good will ever be created because good will no longer be rewarded, only fraud, smoke and mirrors, and cheating will be revered. In a nutshell only selfish assholes like you will be revered. T This results in complete chaos and the fall of civilization. But then I look a little further than my bellybutton. It is clear you do not. Thus mutiny on the bounty. Go for it.

Good Riddance Slouch !

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