Did anyone get a pay raise?


I got 3%. I think it has more to do with you base pay. If you make a "high" salary you will receive a lower % raise, but it will be equal to what others receive.

True, but total b.s. Those that have been at AZ for some time that have a "higher" salary have that higher salary because of years of consistent performance. Now, they get penalozed for performance and those that were average year after year get rewraded because their MRP is not as high.

4-5% was standard

REALLY? Outstanding performance provided a ZERO % increase!! Same as Needs Improvement?

Once again Leadership shows their smarts when it comes to the ways of inspiring and motivating to be the best!

Keep in mind health care benefit costs increased too. No more giving above and beyond performance - I'll take the same raise for partially met ... 0%