Diabetes overlay positions


Found out DM for overlay is different than DM for local territories, seems strange. Since these positions were created to satisfy contract with Lilly any guess how secure they are? If the contract ends with Lilly (strange that Lilly will not be selling any of our drugs going forward) are the overlay positions the first to go? Also, if a regular territory opens up will it be filled by contract rep only?

Yes the overlay is a contract, meaning this is not a long term position. Every rep position is a contract position at this point. If I am offered I will take it. It will give me more time to get something else or better work on the plan B. The book The Death of a Sales Men, should now be updated to The Death of the Pharmaceutical Rep. Our days are numbered.

Is this a joke? These overlay positions are all over the Ashfield website? Go on the Ashfield cafepharma site and they seem to know more about the position then we do. I thought these positions were for BI reps. Can someone Please explain with truth here.

Found out DM for overlay is different than DM for local territories, seems strange. Since these positions were created to satisfy contract with Lilly any guess how secure they are? If the contract ends with Lilly (strange that Lilly will not be selling any of our drugs going forward) are the overlay positions the first to go? Also, if a regular territory opens up will it be filled by contract rep only?
This doesn't seem to be the case everywhere. A friend of mine who was retained was told on a conference call on Tuesday that the DM is the same in his area.

Is this a joke? These overlay positions are all over the Ashfield website? Go on the Ashfield cafepharma site and they seem to know more about the position then we do. I thought these positions were for BI reps. Can someone Please explain with truth here.
The truth is that they are for both BI and Ashfield applicants. They are going to be able to choose whichever on they feel is "more qualified".

explaining these overlay positions is actually the one thing BI has done well. There will be separate overlay managers than those already in position. They are giving priority to BI employees but also lining up Ashfield people to hire in case no BI person wants it. They have been posted on Ashfield website for a while. These are no doubt vulnerable positions but at this point all BI jobs are. If you are still displaced and you have a semi decent reputation in your geography you should have no problem.

Unretained resp rep here. I think diabetes is where any future with this company lies. I base that on the slides we were shown that showed emphasis on diabetes rising as respiratory focus declines. So, is it worth my while (and my severance) to even try for a resp position that will open up once the diabetes overlay is filled in my territory? Do I really want to stay on with BI selling Stiolto when every month the news has been so dismal and demoralizing in spite of my best efforts and the best efforts of a very strong inspec partner who is now gone? Do I really want to risk the possibility of being put on a plan within a year if things don't turn around, and eventually being let go with no severance package? Do I really want to stay with a company that has told me good-bye, we don't need you, after a wonderful 15+ years?

I will go strong for the diabetes position available in my territory, but since I will be competing with someone who has current diabetes experience with strong numbers, there is only a slim chance for me there. Then what? Try for the resp position that then opens up here? That is essentially the job I had until 2 weeks ago, you know, the one they told me they did not need me for. It has been a great 15+ years (not counting a bad last year Stiolto launch) and 3 PC wins, but maybe this is time to say good-bye to BI. I really wanted to make it to retirement, but I do not think that is going to happen. Let Ashfield give it a go. If you are young, don't count on retiring with BI. Have a plan B ready, as I am sure you already know. At least do your best to get on the diabetes side. Thinking out loud and trying to figure out this maze of options this morning. Good luck, all.

With Lilly's actions (new overlay reps will have co promote products all other reps will have injectables) and now BI is not launching with Lilly, I wonder if we are going to sever the alliance.

Unretained resp rep here. I think diabetes is where any future with this company lies. I base that on the slides we were shown that showed emphasis on diabetes rising as respiratory focus declines. So, is it worth my while (and my severance) to even try for a resp position that will open up once the diabetes overlay is filled in my territory? Do I really want to stay on with BI selling Stiolto when every month the news has been so dismal and demoralizing in spite of my best efforts and the best efforts of a very strong inspec partner who is now gone? Do I really want to risk the possibility of being put on a plan within a year if things don't turn around, and eventually being let go with no severance package? Do I really want to stay with a company that has told me good-bye, we don't need you, after a wonderful 15+ years?

I will go strong for the diabetes position available in my territory, but since I will be competing with someone who has current diabetes experience with strong numbers, there is only a slim chance for me there. Then what? Try for the resp position that then opens up here? That is essentially the job I had until 2 weeks ago, you know, the one they told me they did not need me for. It has been a great 15+ years (not counting a bad last year Stiolto launch) and 3 PC wins, but maybe this is time to say good-bye to BI. I really wanted to make it to retirement, but I do not think that is going to happen. Let Ashfield give it a go. If you are young, don't count on retiring with BI. Have a plan B ready, as I am sure you already know. At least do your best to get on the diabetes side. Thinking out loud and trying to figure out this maze of options this morning. Good luck, all.

If a respiratory position opens up after the diabetes overlay positions are filled it will be filled via Ashfield, so the answer is NO IT IS NOT WORTH YOUR WHILE. You would no longer be a BI employee. You would be an Ashfield rep making less money and you would be without a company car. If you're going to do contract work look for a contract at inVentiv or Quintiles and take your severance $ with you.

If a respiratory position opens up after the diabetes overlay positions are filled it will be filled via Ashfield, so the answer is NO IT IS NOT WORTH YOUR WHILE. You would no longer be a BI employee. You would be an Ashfield rep making less money and you would be without a company car. If you're going to do contract work look for a contract at inVentiv or Quintiles and take your severance $ with you.

+1 nailed it