
Ignoring the same guy commenting about the Seattle person in every Pfizer thread and ignoring the usual race war here…

what going on with dynamic targeting and these new overlays are we better or worse…

ABD’s are afraid to correct him on his pronunciation of Litfulo. He keeps embarrassing himself saying Litfulu on every call. I heard him say LITFULU three times on the same call the other day. #Equity

Thoughs on new dynamic targeting?
It’s falling apart as we speak. No one asked the reps who have to deal with this everyday what inputs should have been applied.
It’s great that they are paying us in zip codes. But they didn’t realize these HCPs move around everyday to different zip codes. They also work for mid/large groups who have a “home” office. That office is usually the address tied to the HCP which is probably not in the same zip code as the territory.
Again, if they had taken feedback from reps, they would have known this in advance.
They never learn.