I recently joined Regeneron sales and really enjoy it here. CEO Len sets the tone for the company culture and we do not have big pharma metrics here. You sell one drug, work hard, and don't have the BS reports to send your manager. Solid salaries, 35k base bonus, 18 days PTO days, stock options and decent SUV company car and industry standard 401k benefits. Regeneron stock is down so if you join now you will have a great strike price for the allocated stock options which vests 25% a year and you get additional stock options during annual review. You pay for car personal miles like most biotech/pharma companies, so I am not sure why people are complaining.
Drawback is that you are forced to work with a mirror Genzyme counterpart for the Dipilumab. I highly doubt the Genzyme DM and Regeneron DM are coordinating hires. The Sirilumab delay was BS because of Sanofi plant deficiencies when Sirilumab is 100% manufactured at Regeneron plants that have nothing to do with Sanofi plants. Sanofi needs to get their shit together.