Are black men losing their jobs to white players in the NBA & the NFL where 70% of the players are black? Why doesn’t DEI&B exist in sports that are predominantly held black players??
Maybe it because, the black players are superior than the white players~ plain & simple.
Blacks comprise 13% of the US population, yet in the area I am in, most DBM’s are black, they are over represented by 300%.
Simply put, there are more “whites” in the US population by a long shot. Yet their numbers in middle & upper management is decreasing exponentially.
Is it because ‘all of a sudden ‘ whites became stupid and no longer qualified for management positions or is it because corporate America is going out of their way to hire more blacks?
If this is the case; it’s a pretty dumb and nearsighted business strategy.
As I stated above, the NbA & NFL don’t go out of their way to hire “white” players at the expense of signing black players (in order to make the sport more equitable).