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Deep State Leaker Arrested Dozens More To Follow


Here are the 24 Disgusting Anti-Trump Tweets by NSA Leaker ‘Reality L. Winner’

Jim Hoft Jun 6th, 2017 12:44 am 295 Comments


25-year-old Reality Leigh Winner, a federal contractor, was arrested over the weekend and is facing charges that she removed classified material from a government facility and mailed it to a news outlet.

Here is Reality doing exercises

From her Facebook page Reality likes: Animal Rights, The Daily Show, Bill Maher, Michael Moore and the Trump bashing “Trump Draws” facebook page.


Here are 24 anti-Trump tweets by lunatic leaker Reality Winner. Note the comments on her tweets now!







And there are many more –






















I'm not the OP but this is all you have to say concerning a major crime being committed?

You whine and complain constantly about inconsequential or non-existent things concerning Trump. Once again your lack of judgement is showing!

You are a liar. You continually make cross posts and walk both sides of the fence. Then you say it wasn't you. You could prove that by registering but that would pop your imaginary security bubble of Mr Anonymous. You are a fool. :cool:

First Deep State Arrest: Government Contractor Busted Leaking NSA Docs to ‘The Intercept’


by IAN MASON5 Jun 201716,339

Criminal Complaint handed down in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, Winner is charged with “Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information” in relation to an alleged scheme to leak a May NSA report to the media.

According to the supporting affidavit, Winner printed the report, for which she had no “need to know,” smuggled it from an unnamed U.S. intelligence agency facility in Georgia, and later transmitted it to an unnamed news outlet.

The matter was serious enough that the nation’s number two law enforcement official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, felt it necessary to weigh in. In the press release announcing Winner’s charging, Rosenstein wrote:

Exceptional law enforcement efforts allowed us quickly to identify and arrest the defendant … Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.

She was caught only when that news outlet asked the intelligence agency to comment on the document last Tuesday. Upon realizing the document was, in fact, classified material, the agency quickly enlisted the FBI for an internal investigation that pointed to Reality Winner as the source of the leaks.

While the affidavit makes no mention of which news outlet Reality Winner sent the stolen material to, NBC News Cyber Security Reporter Tom Winter later tweeted that a senior federal official confirmed it was left-leaning investigative news site The Intercept.

NBC News: Senior federal official says that Reality Leigh Winner, age 25, has been arrested & charged with leaking document to The Intercept

— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) June 5, 2017

As news of Winner’s arraignment broke, the lead story on The Intercept was, in fact, an in-depth piece based on a purported NSA document with the same date, May 5, given in the affidavit supporting Winner’s charging.

This is not only recent controversy involving The Intercept, which was founded specifically to dig into the American intelligence apparatus. Intercept writer Juan Thompson was fired last year for fabricating stories about the racially-charged tragedy at South Carolina’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, apparently to play up stereotypes of racist white southerners and smear Donald Trump supporters. This March, Thompson was the first person arrested for calling in threats to Jewish community centers as part of a nationwide intimidation campaign that was also widely blamed by the media on Trump supporters.

Reality Winner, who, according to a Justice Department press release, was arrested Saturday, held a “top secret” clearance in relation with her work for Pluribus, a defense and intelligence contractor. According to the affidavit, when questioned, she admitted to printing the document and sending it to the media from her home in Augusta, Georgia.

The Daily Mail later trawled the idiosyncratically named millennial accused’s social media, revealing images of a smiling young woman with an impressive travelogue and range-time with a neon-pink-colored AR-15-style rifle.

Each count of 18 U.S.C. §793, the crime with which Ms. Winner is charged, carries a penalty of up to ten years in federal prison.

First Deep State Arrest: Government Contractor Busted Leaking NSA Docs to ‘The Intercept’

We love Wikileaks.............. :p

by IAN MASON5 Jun 201716,339

Criminal Complaint handed down in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, Winner is charged with “Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information” in relation to an alleged scheme to leak a May NSA report to the media.

According to the supporting affidavit, Winner printed the report, for which she had no “need to know,” smuggled it from an unnamed U.S. intelligence agency facility in Georgia, and later transmitted it to an unnamed news outlet.

The matter was serious enough that the nation’s number two law enforcement official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, felt it necessary to weigh in. In the press release announcing Winner’s charging, Rosenstein wrote:

Exceptional law enforcement efforts allowed us quickly to identify and arrest the defendant … Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.

She was caught only when that news outlet asked the intelligence agency to comment on the document last Tuesday. Upon realizing the document was, in fact, classified material, the agency quickly enlisted the FBI for an internal investigation that pointed to Reality Winner as the source of the leaks.

While the affidavit makes no mention of which news outlet Reality Winner sent the stolen material to, NBC News Cyber Security Reporter Tom Winter later tweeted that a senior federal official confirmed it was left-leaning investigative news site The Intercept.

NBC News: Senior federal official says that Reality Leigh Winner, age 25, has been arrested & charged with leaking document to The Intercept

— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) June 5, 2017

As news of Winner’s arraignment broke, the lead story on The Intercept was, in fact, an in-depth piece based on a purported NSA document with the same date, May 5, given in the affidavit supporting Winner’s charging.

This is not only recent controversy involving The Intercept, which was founded specifically to dig into the American intelligence apparatus. Intercept writer Juan Thompson was fired last year for fabricating stories about the racially-charged tragedy at South Carolina’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, apparently to play up stereotypes of racist white southerners and smear Donald Trump supporters. This March, Thompson was the first person arrested for calling in threats to Jewish community centers as part of a nationwide intimidation campaign that was also widely blamed by the media on Trump supporters.

Reality Winner, who, according to a Justice Department press release, was arrested Saturday, held a “top secret” clearance in relation with her work for Pluribus, a defense and intelligence contractor. According to the affidavit, when questioned, she admitted to printing the document and sending it to the media from her home in Augusta, Georgia.

The Daily Mail later trawled the idiosyncratically named millennial accused’s social media, revealing images of a smiling young woman with an impressive travelogue and range-time with a neon-pink-colored AR-15-style rifle.

Each count of 18 U.S.C. §793, the crime with which Ms. Winner is charged, carries a penalty of up to ten years in federal prison.

You are a liar. You continually make cross posts and walk both sides of the fence. Then you say it wasn't you. You could prove that by registering but that would pop your imaginary security bubble of Mr Anonymous. You are a fool. :cool:

Hope. You're just a liar and an idiot.

Guess I live in your head rent free! LOL!

First Deep State Arrest: Government Contractor Busted Leaking NSA Docs to ‘The Intercept’

by IAN MASON5 Jun 201716,339

Criminal Complaint handed down in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, Winner is charged with “Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information” in relation to an alleged scheme to leak a May NSA report to the media.

According to the supporting affidavit, Winner printed the report, for which she had no “need to know,” smuggled it from an unnamed U.S. intelligence agency facility in Georgia, and later transmitted it to an unnamed news outlet.

The matter was serious enough that the nation’s number two law enforcement official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, felt it necessary to weigh in. In the press release announcing Winner’s charging, Rosenstein wrote:

Exceptional law enforcement efforts allowed us quickly to identify and arrest the defendant … Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.

She was caught only when that news outlet asked the intelligence agency to comment on the document last Tuesday. Upon realizing the document was, in fact, classified material, the agency quickly enlisted the FBI for an internal investigation that pointed to Reality Winner as the source of the leaks.

While the affidavit makes no mention of which news outlet Reality Winner sent the stolen material to, NBC News Cyber Security Reporter Tom Winter later tweeted that a senior federal official confirmed it was left-leaning investigative news site The Intercept.

NBC News: Senior federal official says that Reality Leigh Winner, age 25, has been arrested & charged with leaking document to The Intercept

— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) June 5, 2017

As news of Winner’s arraignment broke, the lead story on The Intercept was, in fact, an in-depth piece based on a purported NSA document with the same date, May 5, given in the affidavit supporting Winner’s charging.

This is not only recent controversy involving The Intercept, which was founded specifically to dig into the American intelligence apparatus. Intercept writer Juan Thompson was fired last year for fabricating stories about the racially-charged tragedy at South Carolina’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, apparently to play up stereotypes of racist white southerners and smear Donald Trump supporters. This March, Thompson was the first person arrested for calling in threats to Jewish community centers as part of a nationwide intimidation campaign that was also widely blamed by the media on Trump supporters.

Reality Winner, who, according to a Justice Department press release, was arrested Saturday, held a “top secret” clearance in relation with her work for Pluribus, a defense and intelligence contractor. According to the affidavit, when questioned, she admitted to printing the document and sending it to the media from her home in Augusta, Georgia.

The Daily Mail later trawled the idiosyncratically named millennial accused’s social media, revealing images of a smiling young woman with an impressive travelogue and range-time with a neon-pink-colored AR-15-style rifle.

Each count of 18 U.S.C. §793, the crime with which Ms. Winner is charged, carries a penalty of up to ten years in federal prison.


Dear Letter O Readers!

This week, we bring you the story of Rachel Caine, OneTaste's Director of Customer Experience, on finding surrender to God through Orgasm.



If you want to find god, orgasm is probably the best way.
Last edited:



Dear Letter O Readers!

This week, we bring you the story of Rachel Caine, OneTaste's Director of Customer Experience, on finding surrender to God through Orgasm.



This is probably the ultimate in silly, self-centered dime store theology.

If you want to surrender to God, start reading the Bible and start loving and serving others and no, I'm not talking about sex.

Your deep ignorance! How pathetic!

Today, the Speaker of the House said, "He's new at this. " How funny is that? Every president is 'new at this' when they first take office. Since when has that been an excuse? He has a staff. The problem is, he is so paranoid, he doesn't trust them. He made his bed, now he gets to lay in it.

Today, the Speaker of the House said, "He's new at this. " How funny is that? Every president is 'new at this' when they first take office. Since when has that been an excuse? He has a staff. The problem is, he is so paranoid, he doesn't trust them. He made his bed, now he gets to lay in it.
You are pathetically biased. Pretty sure the speaker was referring to the fact that he isn't a professional politician.
Regardless, Trump is doing quite a good job for the Amerucan people so far. That's all that really counts.

Today, the Speaker of the House said, "He's new at this. " How funny is that? Every president is 'new at this' when they first take office. Since when has that been an excuse? He has a staff. The problem is, he is so paranoid, he doesn't trust them. He made his bed, now he gets to lay in it.
And so sd

Bullshit. Suddenly Paul Ryan and others are throwing around the idea that maybe Trump did do some of the things that Comey recounted but they say it's all right because Donald is new to the office and might not have realized that what he was doing was inappropriate.They're calling it the "ignorance defense."

One of the first axioms every grade school kid learns is "ignorance of the law is no excuse." If a grade school kid knows it, wouldn't you think our president might figure it out?