• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

Dear Patty...

[Insert Generic Quote]

[Insert Generic Scenery Picture]

[Write paragraph about how proud I am of salesforce overcoming obstacles and persevering]

[Praise top reps and beg for success sharing]

*Repeat weekly and hope no one catches on to how de-motivating this cycle gets

**Wildcard - Insert lucrative contest with ridiculous entry point and scream about “how much money can be earned” knowing that not a single penny will ever get paid

This came from the Richard Farmer playbook. Like you all didn’t know. Patty does not have an original thought. We need to give Farmer the credit. Less typos.

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Matthew 20:16

Kind of like goal attainments when you set goals based on past performance, bad or good, rather than potential. I’m having so much whiplash looking at goals Q v. Q that I need a cervical collar.

Dear Patty, Who made up the PC rules? One if your kids after getting kicked in the head by a horse? Immediately, all lower volume territories have zero chance even tho they may have the largest % increase. Territory A volume goes from 1000 to 1250, a 25% increase. Territory B goes from 100 to 300, a 200% increase. Territory A wins. Purposely exaggerated for illustration only.

STFU, and just collect your paycheck. You have the audacity to complain. You have low volume in your territory because of you. Be thankful for the high volume territories who essentially are sustaining your territory and paying your paycheck. So you’re saying you want a 1000 volume territory to grow 200%. That would mean +2000 bottles vs. only 200 for your low volume 100 max territory. Exaggerated for illustration purposes, my ass!

What’s really comical is that we all know Patty reads these threads, she admitted it on a conference call.

So Patty, what are your real thoughts on all of this? I don’t want your conference call bluster. We’re seasoned reps and can handle the brutal truth on the state of Opko Renal.

Admittedly, she is aware of the unhappiness within the sales team and continues to put her head in the Miami sand. Is she really capable of telling the truth? Is she being transparent with information to build trust? She is demonstrating her value and worth.
Unfortunately, another pawn to the organization. Someone needs to tell her to wake up and smell the real deal. It does stink!

She has been in the barn too long. That is why the sales have stalled.

STFU, and just collect your paycheck. You have the audacity to complain. You have low volume in your territory because of you. Be thankful for the high volume territories who essentially are sustaining your territory and paying your paycheck. So you’re saying you want a 1000 volume territory to grow 200%. That would mean +2000 bottles vs. only 200 for your low volume 100 max territory. Exaggerated for illustration purposes, my ass!
Go sit on it and rotate, pompous “A” hole!

Nothing says trust more then having to copy your manager on 50 email invites for a virtual meeting that 80% of Opko attends.
Trust is not the Opko way especially when dealing with your RSM. They are so paranoid and afraid for their jobs, they will throw you under the bus quicker than the decline of Opko stock.

Oh, come on now. This could be your chance to get promoted. It worked for some other clowns here at the circus.

Are you jealous? Maybe if you go to work you will actually move your business and make a difference. Maybe then you can talk about a promotion. Don't be a hater, until then just watch us hold up the company as you get your 5 Trxs....

Are you jealous? Maybe if you go to work you will actually move your business and make a difference. Maybe then you can talk about a promotion. Don't be a hater, until then just watch us hold up the company as you get your 5 Trxs....
You’re the STAR contestant on the BIGGEST LOSER SH*T Show out of Miami.