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Dear Japan: What about OB?

I am a rep too and you are full of it. You write as if someone from the HR typed you a piece of paper.

"Not much pressure" here? Are you insane? This is not what is happening in my district or anyone else that I know. Do you know anyone here whose bonus package wasn't impacted because of the fuzzy math and quotas from the higher-ups?

I also have an issue with your obsession with the person who supposedly "perpetuating negative OB threads"? Why does it bother you that someone posts here? You can do the same? It is called Freedom of Expression. I honestly don't believe that you are a rep and to me based on your writing you work for the HR.

I assure you I am a rep, but,... whatever. As far as pressure, not sure what DM you work for but ok I can think of a couple of DMs who would be a real pain in the ass. The only "pressure" I'm detecting is basically to do your job. Have you worked at other pharma companies? I have. In addition, I talk to friends all the time who work for other companies. I assure you there is more pressure at many other companies especially leading up to product launches. Also, my obsession? Are you serious? I'm simply pointing out that many of these hate OB threads, which btw lack any real substance, are being started and perpetuated by primarily one person. I'm certainly not the first to say this. Finally, I have no problem with people posting whatever they want, and I'm all for people expressing themselves. However, when you go on a public forum and post things that are just obviously hateful, stupid, lies, etc.....you can expect others to respond.

I assure you I am a rep, but,... whatever. As far as pressure, not sure what DM you work for but ok I can think of a couple of DMs who would be a real pain in the ass. The only "pressure" I'm detecting is basically to do your job. Have you worked at other pharma companies? I have. In addition, I talk to friends all the time who work for other companies. I assure you there is more pressure at many other companies especially leading up to product launches. Also, my obsession? Are you serious? I'm simply pointing out that many of these hate OB threads, which btw lack any real substance, are being started and perpetuated by primarily one person. I'm certainly not the first to say this. Finally, I have no problem with people posting whatever they want, and I'm all for people expressing themselves. However, when you go on a public forum and post things that are just obviously hateful, stupid, lies, etc.....you can expect others to respond.

I'm a rep also and agree totally with your post. Well said...

I would like OB to explain to all of us what he has done that makes him worthy of keeping a job here:

Did the company's work environment improve in the past few years? NO.
Did the company's revenue increase? NO.
Did the employees' salary and bonus package improve? NO.
Did the company become a less of a hostile work environment? No.
Did the quality of trainings improve? No.
Did the quality of sales meetings improve? No.
Did OB's VM become more relevant or productive? NO.
Did OB's dress code improve? No.
Did he work with the marketing people to develop better sales tools for the reps? No.
Are we better off as a company today than 5 years ago? No.

I would like OB to explain to all of us what he has done that makes him worthy of keeping a job here:

Did the company's work environment improve in the past few years? NO.
Did the company's revenue increase? NO.
Did the employees' salary and bonus package improve? NO.
Did the company become a less of a hostile work environment? No.
Did the quality of trainings improve? No.
Did the quality of sales meetings improve? No.
Did OB's VM become more relevant or productive? NO.
Did OB's dress code improve? No.
Did he work with the marketing people to develop better sales tools for the reps? No.
Are we better off as a company today than 5 years ago? No.

Good questions. Also I want to know how OB sets our quotas. How is that someone in a territory much bigger than mine can have so much smaller quota than mine?

I would like OB to explain to all of us what he has done that makes him worthy of keeping a job here:

Did the company's work environment improve in the past few years? NO.
Did the company's revenue increase? NO.
Did the employees' salary and bonus package improve? NO.
Did the company become a less of a hostile work environment? No.
Did the quality of trainings improve? No.
Did the quality of sales meetings improve? No.
Did OB's VM become more relevant or productive? NO.
Did OB's dress code improve? No.
Did he work with the marketing people to develop better sales tools for the reps? No.
Are we better off as a company today than 5 years ago? No.

Who is responsible for the lack of clarity of instructions given to the DMs?
Who is responsible for assigning work to the untrained oncology reps, DMs, and RSDs?
Is the current sales growth acceptable and if NOT who is responsible?
If the old formulas by OB haven't produced any results, then why are we keep using them?
What is the definition of INSANITY?

How was it possible that OB didn't see the expiration of our patents and did not develop staffing contingency plans?

Why were the staff members lied to about the future of the drugs?

How was it possible that OB didn't see the expiration of our patents and did not develop staffing contingency plans?

Why were the staff members lied to about the future of the drugs?

This company plans from week to week. Sometimes from hour to hour trying to survive fire drills and law suits. To anticipate patent expiration, OB would have to be planning for years. You are obviously smarter and not from this company.

How was it possible that OB didn't see the expiration of our patents and did not develop staffing contingency plans?

Why were the staff members lied to about the future of the drugs?

Because OB has no vision for the future. He never did and he will never have. That is the main reason we need a new leadership here.

The morale is down. There is a constant ax hanging over the sales team and per OB we are just luky to have a job. He has no respect for the team and it shows during his VMs. This is not the way to run a sales operation.

OB is a loser, but this industry is so inbred, that most replacements will be just like him. Look at the other boards, and you will see the same thing. Either live with it or go to another industry.

OB is a loser, but this industry is so inbred, that most replacements will be just like him. Look at the other boards, and you will see the same thing. Either live with it or go to another industry.

True. OB has contacts. He has more history and linked with Japan than any of the executives. He most likely will replace LC.

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